What I would do to take away this fear of being loved, an allegiance to the pain

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Amelias POV

''Hey! Maggie! Did you hear Bailey is taking time off?''


''Yeah she's like, leaving..'' 

''For good?'' Maggie questioned

''No I think it's only for a bit.''

''I wonder who the replacement is gonna be?''

''Oh my god, I didn't even think of that! Who do you think it's gonna be?'' I said. 

''I don't know, Owen, Teddy maybe even Alex.''

''Alex? She would never choose him!'' I said completely dismissing the idea.

''You'd be surprised. He's been interim chief before...''

''Oh my god I vaguely remember. What was it like 2018/19?''

''Yeah 2019 I think.''

''I actually wouldn't be surprised if she picked him again.'' I said. 

''Me neither. Wait, maybe she'll choose Derek or Meredith or something?'' Maggie introduced. 

''I'm pretty sure if it were either of them they would tell us considering we're family.''

''You're right. They wouldn't keep it a secret.''

''So it's between Owen, Teddy and Alex.'' I finalised.

''Yeah I guess so.''

''Oh wait, here's Bailey now...'' I said while tapping Maggie on the shoulder signalling her to focus.


All the hospital staff were gathered around the bottom of the stairs on the main surgical floor, with Bailey a few steps up getting ready to announce who the interim chief was. 

Bailey's POV

''Thank you guys for coming. So I'm sure you've all probably heard, yes I am taking some time off. A member of my family isn't well and I need to spend some time with them. So in the meantime, there will be an interim chief. Or should I say 'Chiefs.''  Mumbles and light chatter grew amongst the staff in shock that there will be more than one chief. 

''Shhh, quiet, I'm not finished. Before I tell you who they are, I just want to let you know that I considered many of you for the position, but ultimately Dr. Meredith Grey and Dr. Derek Shepherd were best for the job.'' The mumbles and chatter grew again, and this time even louder as all the staff turned to each other and started discussing. 

''Okay people, I'm gonna let them say a few words now, but I just wanted to say good job everybody and good luck. I will hopefully be back shortly but at this point in time, I'm not sure how long. All right Grey, Shepherd, I'll hand over to you guys now.''

Derek and Merediths POV

''Thank you Dr. Bailey. Hi everyone, good morning. Meredith and I are thrilled to be your new chiefs!'' Derek said. 

''Yes we are. I just want to say a few things before I hand back to Derek. All rules, policies and procedures will stay the same unless specified by us which means the expectations are the same as well. We expect top-tier bedside manners, extreme focus during surgeries and uttermost empathy when providing bad news to family and friends of patients. As long as that's clear I'll hand back to Dr. Shepherd.'' Meredith said 

''Dr. Grey is right. Nothing major is changing. Anyway, enough with the seriousness, we want this hospital to be a safe and healthy work environment so if there is ever anything you need, don't hesitate to come and talk to either of us at any time. If you can't find us we'll either be in our office, or in surgery. So check the OR boards, the pit or our office.''

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