An accident

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Amelias POV

Abruptly, I'm woken to the sound of my baby crying from the room across the hall. Scout was awake. I roll over grumbling to see the time was only 5:30am. Seriously! I roll back over and poke Link on the nose to try and wake him up to get the baby. When that was unsuccessful, I flipped the heavy covers off my sore and tired body and walk across the hall to the baby's room. By the time I got back to the bedroom, Link was already awake and in the shower, probably a good decision as once the baby is awake, we never have time for anything other than diaper changing, baby food making and cleaning.

 Links paternity leave ends today and he goes back to work tomorrow, which I'm dreading by the way. Scout tires both of us out on the daily, can you imagine how tired i'll be now that it will only be me? Good news is my maternity leave ends next week so I can go back to work too, which I seriously miss, although I am really going to miss Scout. As much as he is a handful, I love him so much and I'm so grateful for him, and I know Link is too. After I have changed, fed and dressed Scout, I hear the loud noise of water falling to the ground in the bathroom stop. Link was out of the shower, finally! 

''Morning babe'' Link said in his soft morning voice. 

His wet, floppy hair drooped over his forehead as he dried the back of his neck with a towel. All I can think about is how lucky I am to have such kind, positive, hot, partner to go through the journey and challenge that is parenting with. Without him I would just be a divorced, lonely neurosurgeon with a way too large ego, but with him, I'm a happy, incredibly grateful parent and successful neurosurgeon, with a not too big ego. 

''Morning. How did you sleep?'' I replied in a curious, yet unenthusiastic tone. He planted a soft kiss on my lips. It was quick, almost like a habit. I like those kisses, they're quick and soft, but they a mean a lot, to me at least. 

''Eh, alright. I had to get up to soothe Scout a few times as he was pretty unsettled for most of the night.'' Link replied with his usual cheerful attitude.

Link has this crazy contagious, positive energy and attitude that whenever you're around him, it's extremely difficult to be negative, even in the worst of situations. It's another thing I love about him. Even though he had such a physically and emotionally challenging childhood, having cancer and all, he somehow still finds the best in all situations, and I find it so admirable. 

''Wow, I must have slept well because I didn't hear you get out off bed at all!'' I acknowledged in a surprised tone as I usually always hear everything.

''This is your last day at home before you go back to work. I'm probably going to miss you by the way.'' I agonised 

''Yeah I know. I'm going to miss you and Scout too. It's going to be strange not seeing you both all day, but I'm excited to get back to work. I miss it a bit.'' Link voiced in a slightly less positive tone. 

* 14 hours later* *7:30pm*

Link and I just finished dinner and Link went up to put Scout to bed while I cleaned the kitchen. As much as I am happy that Link is going back to work, I'm anxious and a bit sad that I will be all alone tomorrow looking after Scout, something I have never done before. Link is the best father and I hope I can be the best mother I can be, for Scouts sake. I turn off the loud tap which is flowing water into the now empty sink and I hear silence, which can only mean one thing, Link got scout to sleep. I turn off the lights down stairs and I run up the steep staircase and into Scouts room to give him a kiss on the cheek.

 Luckily, he didn't wake up when I gave him a goodnight kiss, so me and Link go into our large master bedroom across the hall and switch the flat screen TV on. We choose the TV show we watch every night, The Vampire Diaries on Netflix, then we squirm under the blankets and embrace in a cuddle. We watched 2 or 3 episodes then we went to bed. As I'm falling asleep, I can only think about one thing. Catching the bouquet at Lexie and Mark's wedding. Does this mean Link will propose? Will I be getting married to him soon, or in a while? Only Link knows, I guess. 

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