Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you...

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Links POV

*his thoughts*

It was time. It was finally time. I was going to propose to Amelia. I had had the ring for a while now, waiting for the perfect moment, but then Mark and Lexie had their accident, and then we found out Jo is pregnant, and then Mark and Lexie had their baby, and I just lost-track of time. There was always going to be other drama going on so I finally decided I had just gotta do it. I really didn't know how to do it though. I knew she won't want some big grand-gesture, she'd rather something smaller and more intimate. Do I include Scout somehow? Or is that a disaster waiting to happen? Yeah, he would probably start crying or screaming in the middle of it so I think that idea is ruled out. Maybe I could fill our bedroom with candles and flowers and play the guitar? Is that too cheesy? I actually think she would like that. 

Wait, I have the best idea! I'm going to get old scans and have them on display in the lightroom and on each scan, I will have a letter. It will spell out 'Will you marry me?' and then I'll get down on one knee and show her the ring. She told me that she was the one who proposed to Owen all those years ago, so I really hope she doesn't beat me to it! I need to ask Derek if I have permission to marry her, and then I will set it all up and do it today. I'm going to do it today! So I make my way to Meredith's and Dereks office. I knock on the door, and they tell me to come in.


''Hey Link!'' Derek said.

''Hi Chiefs. Derek I need to ask you a question, it's pretty serious.''

''I can leave if you want?'' Meredith said while pushing her chair back ready to get out of her seat. 

''No, no that's not necessary, it sorta involves you too.''

''Alright then. What's up?'' Derek asked 

''Umm- I wanted to know if I had your permission to ask Amelia to marry me, both of you, I'd like both of your approval.''

''Oh, of course you have my permission!'' Meredith squealed.

''Mine too. You two have the most beautiful son together, I couldn't think of anyone else I'd rather marry my sister.'' Derek said. Great! The plan is underway!

''Thank you so much, both of you!'' I said with extreme gratitude. 

''So... how are you gonna do it?'' Meredith asked

''When are you gonna do it?'' Derek asked as well.

''I'm getting old brain scans of her past patients and I'm writing 'Will you marry me?' letter by letter on them and having them up in the light room.'' I said nervously waiting for their opinions.

''Oh my god that is a adorable, I love it!'' Meredith said as she got up and gave me a hug.

''I'm also gonna have candles and flowers around the room to make it a bit more romantic that just a x-ray light room.''

''Wow dude, that's great! She'll love it! Do you need me to get some of her old patients scans for you?''

''Thanks, that  would be super helpful! Only if you don't mind...''

''Of course I don't mind! I want my sister to have the best proposal ever!''

''I want it to be just as good as mine was.'' Meredith said while kissing Derek on the cheek.''Derek actually did something quite similar, but he set it all up in an elevator. Every inch of the elevator was covered in past patient files, scans, diagnosis's, it was very romantic, I mean only if you're a surgeon. To a normal person, it would have been the worst proposal ever, no offence..''

''None taken, thank god we're not normal people right?'' Derek said slightly taken aback. 

''Right, that would be disastrous!'' Meredith giggled.

''Alright, I gotta go back to the house and grab the ring, you don't mind me zipping out for a few minutes?''

''No, not at all, go!'' Derek said ''I'll get those scans for you and I'll leave them with Patricia out the front all right?''

''Yeah all good. Thanks, I'll see you once it's all done!''

''Yep! We'll see you on the other side.'' Derek said with a grin and a chuckle. 

*1 hour later*

I arrived back at the hospital and began writing up all the letters on the scans, I just had to place them in the room. I triple checked they're all in the right order, because that would be super embarrassing if I spelt 'Will you marry me?' wrong. I set the flowers around the room, and dimmed the lighting a little bit, so that the light behind the scans would really shine through. I lit all the candles, and then I was finished. The room smelt and looked amazing, now I just needed Amelia. I paged her here saying that I needed a consult, just so she's not too suspicious. Then I heard a faint knock on the door, and the handle clicked open. It's the moment I've been waiting for! She's about to become my fiancé!

''Hey...'' I've got the lights off in the room, and the lights behind the scans off so that the room is completely dark except for the candles. She couldn't see the letters on the scans yet, but i'll flick the light box on in a second so she can read it.

''Hey... what's going on in here? You said you needed a consult?''

''That was a lie, I don't really need a consult.''

''Okayyy, then what's going on, and why are there candles everywhere and why are we standing in the dark?''

''Amelia close your eyes.'' She closed them. I flicked on the light box switch so you could now see the scans clearly. ''Okay, open them now.'' She paused for a few seconds while she read the sentence, then her hands flew to her mouth. She gasped in shock and what looked like happiness. She turned to look at me, and that was when I pulled the ring out and got down on one knee.

''Amelia Shepherd, you are the love of my life. You make me so happy, our son makes me so happy. I first knew I wanted to marry you when I found out you we're pregnant. Although I was terrified, and so were you, I knew you were it. You were my person, the one I was going to spend the rest of my life with. And now we have a beautiful son together and we couldn't have a better life. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, Amelia Shepherd, will you marry me?'' Tears were now rolling down her cheeks and she had the biggest smile on her face. 

''Yes, yes I will marry you! I love you, I love you so much!'' She placed both of her hands on my face, kissed me, and then jumped into my arms. 

''Here, put the ring on.''

''Oh my god, it's beautiful! I love it, and I love you!''

''I love you too.''


Hey guys! So Link and Amelia are engaged now! How cute! Please don't forget to comment and vote, it really makes my day when you do! Anyway, hope you enjoyed!!! Happy reading my lovelies xx

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