New beginnings

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*about 1 month later* 

Merediths POV

This last month has been great! I haven't lost a single patient, neither has Derek, the kids are doing well at school, Lexie and Mark are still off on their honeymoon/babymoon, as I said, everything is great. The kids finished school yesterday, so Derek and I decided that were going to go on a well deserved holiday, all five of us. We booked a week stay at a resort, took time off work and left our phones and pagers at our big home in the woods. 

Aprils POV

I can't believe Samuel is almost 7 years old already. It feels like just yesterday he was a newborn, unable to walk, talk or run. Now he's doing all those things. Sam starts his first day of first grade today, while Harriet, whose 5, starts kindergarten. Harriet is so grown up. She's talking in full sentences, running faster and faster and becoming more intelligent with each day. Before Jackson and I know it, they're going to be graduating high school. I'm probably more excited for my kids first days than they are. I've been up since 5 am because of the nerves and excitement, an hour before our alarm goes off. Finally it's 6 am and the alarm wakes up Jackson. 


''Morning.'' he replied with a kiss on my forehead.

''I've been up for an hour already. I couldn't sleep! I was so excited for the kids first days, it woke me up early, then when I tried to sleep again, I couldn't.''

''You're so silly.'' he replied while chuckling 

''I've already made their lunchpack's, packed their bags, laid out their clothes and made breakfast. I didn't know what else to do, so I prepared everything...''

''Wow! I have the best wife! It should be really easy getting them to school this morning now that everything is ready.'' Jackson relied in a cheerful tone.

''Yay! Okay they're still asleep so let's get ready before they wake up!'

''Yeah, that's what we should do, but what I want to do is kiss my wife...'' Jackson said in a cheeky voice 

''Mhm. Well.... I guess it's ok to do that.'' I said sarcastically between kisses. 

''Mhm.. really...are you sure.'' Jackson said cheekily between kisses.

''Yeah...I'm sure.'' I said playfully

Then all of a sudden Harriet burst our master bedroom door open to see if we were awake, which clearly... we were. Probably not the greatest sight for a 5 year old to see. Anyway, hon a different note, I done think I've ever seen a 5 year old with crazier morning hair. 

''Alright, I need to go fix that crazy hair. Jackson you should probably shower now so you can watch the kids while I shower after you.''

''Alright, I'll get in the shower. You go fix that crazy hair!'' Jackson said laughing 

*1 hour later*

Finally the kids are ready for school. They're dressed, they've eaten breakfast, put their shoes on and brushed their hair. Now I need to get them to stand still for a second so I can get a picture. 

*10 mins later*

We arrive at school, 20 minutes early of course, and we walk each one of them to their classrooms and meet their teachers, whom are both very lovely. Now it's time for us to go to work. Jackson has a very busy schedule today, whereas I'm in the ER so I don't know what to expect, that is until i'm paged 911 to the ER. We rush to the hospital only to find 15 patients, 5 of which severe, being treated in the ER. The 5 severe cases are in the trauma rooms where Owen and the other doctors are doing the best they can in this difficult circumstance. I'm on one patient, bailey is on another, Richard is on the third, Jo is on the fourth and teddy is on the 5th. Luckily none of these patients have head injuries as we would have been screwed as Derek is on holidays and Lexie is on her honeymoon. We only have Dr. Nelson on Neuro this week so hopefully we don't get many cases. Just as I thought my patient was stable, she starts crashing and the monitor flatlines.

''Starting compressions! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...'' I yelled out 

''No change. Helm, paddles NOW! Charge to 250! CLEAR!'' I scream 

''No change. Charge too 300! CLEAR! No change. We're losing her! Charge to 350! CLEAR!'' I yell

''We got her back! Nice job guys. Now let's figure out what's wrong with her and get her into surgery. 

*7 hours later*

Maddison James, 26, severe cardiac tamponade, 2nd and 3rd degree burns over the chest, back and arms, 1st degree burns on the legs. That was the patient I almost lost in that trauma room, 7 hours ago. The surgery was challenging to say the least. Even with the help of Cristina, Jackson, Owen and myself, we almost lost her a few times. She's going to be in the hospital for a long time, specifically the ICU and burn unit. The burns were so deep on her chest and back that it was really hard to operate without her skin falling apart. Closing was the hardest part. There was essentially no skin to sew together. The 'plastics posse', as they like to call themselves, did their best with skin grafts and removing dead tissue, but she's going to be in the ICU under high alert for a long time. The poor girl was supposed to be getting married next week. Her fiancé has not left her side once since she got out of surgery, that's true love. Finally it's time to relieve the nanny at home and go to bed. 

Jacksons POV

After today's case, there's nothing I want more than to go to sleep. But as soon as we walk through the door of our house, we see the nanny, asleep on the couch, and our 2 kids standing at the front door waiting for us. Great...

''Samuel, Harriet! What are you doing up?'' April asked 

''I had a bad dream and Harriet didn't want to go to sleep without you.'' Samuel replied 

''Ok. Let's go to bed now. It's late. Mommy will tuck you in Harriet and i'll tuck you in Samuel, okay?'' I replied 

''Okayyyy...'' they said in unison 

*10 mins later* 

''Finally they're asleep. Let's shower and go to bed.''

''I'll probably fall asleep if I wait for you to get out of the shower so i'll just come in with you, but no funny business, ok Jackson? I'm too tired right now. Maybe in the morning.'' April said. 

*10 Mins later* 

''Goodnight April. Love you.''

''Night. Love you too.'' April replied half yawning

Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter and SOOO BORING. I've got a bit of writers block going on. Comment some ideas! Thanks so much guys for reading! 

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