We were love drunk waiting on a miracle

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Lexie's POV

As I lie in bed next to Mark, I can feel little flutters in my stomach. But they don't feel like kicks, they feel like pressure. Like contractions. Am I going into labour? But they could also be Braxton Hicks, I've had them before and they feel exactly like contractions. I better try and fall back asleep so I'm not completely exhausted tomorrow. Tomorrow is supposed to be my last day at work before I leave for maternity leave, and I've got an aneurysm to clip. This surgery will probably be the last one for a while, and you know what's worse? Mark is going to be working right up until the baby is born so he's gonna be rubbing all his surgeries in my face while i'm stuck at home. As I started to drift off back to sleep, I thought about what our future is going to be like, and how our baby fits into it all. I have major things that I want to achieve surgically in the future and I hope that having this baby doesn't affect that. It shouldn't right? I mean if Meredith and Callie and Teddy can do it, so can I. One of my biggest goals is to win a Catherine Fox Award, and I know it's Marks too. So we've got this little competition going on, the winner is the first one out of the two of us to win a Catherine Fox Award. There's no prize, other than bragging rights for the rest of our lives, and we both know that that's better than any prize. And then the alarm went off. I must have fallen back to sleep because there was no way I was just awake for 4 and a half hours thinking. I feel Mark stir and roll over so he's facing me. He kisses me on the forehead and then looks deeply into my eyes with pure adoration and love. 

''G'morning.'' Mark said in a sleepy voice as he gently toughed my stomach feeling for any kicks. He does this every morning, like a little routine. He's going to be an amazing father and I'm so excited for it. 

''Morning.'' I replied as i ran my fingers through his hair. 

''Let's go shower, we gotta get to work. It's your last day.''

''I know but I don't want to go on maternity leave. It's painful to think about you doing all these surgeries while I'm stuck at home napping.''

''I know you don't want to, but you could pop any day now and I don't really want it to happen while your in a surgery.''

''Your right, I do not want my water to break during a surgery. How embarrassing.''

''It's not embarrassing, I just want you and our baby to be safe.''

''Me too. Let's get up.'' I finished as we both sat up and rolled out of bed. But as I stood up, I felt the pressure again, but this time more intense. I don't make any sound because I don't want to worry Mark again like the last time I had Braxton Hicks. That was embarrassing. 

We finally arrive at the hospital and it's time to pre-op on my aneurysm patient and address any final questions about the surgery. 

''Good morning Mrs Hastings, how you feelin today?'' I said as I entered the room.

''Hey Dr sloan, I'm good, I'm excited to get rid of this thing in my brain, it's stressing me out.''

''I totally understand. Lot's of patients get stressed about aneurysm's, but it's important to stay calm to keep your blood pressure down.''

''Okay, i'll ty.''

''Alright, so have you got any more questions before we go into surgery?''

''Yeah I have 2, how far along are you and are you having a boy or girl?''

''Oh haha, I'm almost 9 months and it's a boy.'' I answer with a giggle. I look like a house so I don't blame her for asking. 

''Aww that's so cute.''

''It is, anyway I have to go so the nurses can prep you for surgery. I'll see you in the OR.''

''Bye!'' Mrs Hastings called out as I left the room. These Braxton Hicks are getting worse I think, or maybe I'm just imagining it. No, no they are definitely getting worse. I need to page Mark to the nurses station.

''Mark, are you free right now?''

''Yeah, why, what's up?''

''I have a surgery now and I wanted to know if you wanted to scrub in.''


''Thanks, it's OR 2 in 10 minutes.''

''Okay, love you, see you soon.''

''Love you too, bye.'' I finished as we parted ways. 

Mark and I both scrubbed in and were halfway through the surgery. Although the surgery was going great, my Braxton Hicks were way worse. They almost feel like real contractions. Maybe I am going into labour, but I am a week off my due date so it's less likely. I can tell Mark is suspicious of me as he's giving me these looks every few minutes and he keeps asking me if I'm ok. And I am ok, I just have to make it until the end of the surgery, then I will tell him about the contractions. And then it happens. The thing I dreaded to happen is happening right here, right now. I feel water running down my legs and onto the floor. My water just broke, in the middle of SURGERY. 

''Babe, I don't want to startle you, but ummm m-my water just broke.''

''WHAT! Oh my god i'll page Shepherd to come and take over. Let's get you out of here.''

''Wait, wait. I can't just stop operating. I need to hold on until Amelia get's here. Tell her to hurry.''

*3 minutes later*

Amelia burst into the OR fully scrubbed and gowned.

''Okay I'm here, go have your baby Lexie. Good luck sis.''

''Thanks Amy.''

I hobbled over to the door where there was a wheelchair waiting for me. Mark wheeled me to my room and paged Arizona. When I arrived at the room and was met with Arizona, it all hit me. I am having a baby right now. I am having a freaking baby. 


Hey Guys! Sorry for not updating. I've had like 3 assignments due this week and I've had no time to write. So here you go guys, enjoy. Lexie is finally in labour so that's fun. Let me know in the comments what you want to see in the future and maybe comment some baby names. Please don't forget to vote it only takes 5 seconds. Anyways, happy reading my lovelies xxx

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