How to save a life

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Please put chasing cars and how to save a life on repeat... and grab some tissues ur gonna need it 

also u must listen to the song because it's actually the actors/actresses singing and its so good!


Derek's POV

''Bye.'' I hung up the phone and Meredith walked into the bedroom.

''Who was that?'' She asked as she sat down on the bed and took her socks off. I stared at her and hesitated to give her an answer. She glared back at me and stood up, shit she could be scary. 

''Hello to you too.'' I said sarcastically trying to lighten her mood, but I think I just made her angrier. She's in a very bad mood, I probably shouldn't mess around. She glared at me without saying a word indicating that I need to tell her who it was. ''The President.'' I said flatly. Her face instantly dropped.

''What?!'' She said harshly while crossing her arms. ''Why was the President calling you?''

''Uhh he says he has a new research project for me. Well, not necessarily new, he wants me to continue the brain mapping project.''

''But I thought you finished that project? Why on earth does he want you to continue it?'' She raised her voice, then lowered it remembering the kids were asleep.

''I did finish it! But he thinks that I may discover new things if I continue, you know with technology improving and funds for research increasing?''

''Well I guess that's true.'' She said with her voice much calmer. 

''But... he insists that I go back to DC to do it.'' Her eyes met mine and I could see the anger in them, she was very mad.

''Do yo- do you just not remember what DC did to our marriage last time?! A woman kissed you! We had hardly any communication and lost all trust in each other!'' She said raising her voice again, she almost sounded disgusted. 

''I know! And that's why I asked to do it here.''


''And he declined, but he said he would personally pay for you and our kids to move there for 3-5 months.'' 

''Derek. We just became the Chief's of surgery! We can't just leave! I just received the biggest promotion of my life, I will not ruin it because you have to go to DC for the president!''

''And I told him that! But he is insisting I go.'' I say calmly trying to settle the conversation.

''You cannot just leave and abandon me and expect me to run this hospital by myself! Who do you think I am? God?!'' She yells with a tear rolling down her cheek.

''Meredith, I know. I know all of this and I don't expect you to do it by yourself! But I have to go, he insists.''

''What do you mean by 'insists'.''

''I mean he could ruin my medical career if I don't. It was more of an 'order' than a 'suggestion'.'' She sighed letting the tears flow. She seemed less angry now, more sad. ''I'll ask someone to replace me if you like? Who do you want? Jackson, Cristina, Jo, Lexie?''

''So you really have to go?'' She sobbed and I pulled her into a hug.

''I do Mer. It won't be long, no more than 4 months, I'll make sure of it.''

''Can I have Jackson be your replacement? I would ask Cristina but I think we would get more gossiping than working done.'' She lets out a very small laugh, so quiet I could hardly hear it. 

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