I said, excuse me you're a hell of a guy

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Lexie's POV 

Mark and I walked hand in hand into the hospital, with Louis sitting comfortably on my hip. We walked up close to the nurses station, perfectly in view of Nurse Daisy, the one who had been hitting on Mark. I could feel Daisy's eyes on me and Mark, jealousy was seeping through my skin and I just hoped Mark couldn't see it. 

''Mark, is she looking?'' I mumbled through a fake smile.

''Yes, get ready.'' He mumbled back through a fake smile. We pretended to have a conversation, Mark constantly touching my arm or face to prove we were comfortable with one another. Earlier in the morning, I asked Meredith to page me at 8 am exactly, but I haven't receive the page and it's 8:05. Weird. I pretended to receive a page by looking at my pager and changing my facial expressions. 

''Okay, ready?'' I said to Mark with a pretend worried face. ''I gotta go, love you.'' I said loud enough that most of the lobby heard. I brought my lips to his and kissed him. It wasn't just a quick kiss, I made sure of that. I pulled away smiling and turned my head to glance at Daisy. I caught her staring at us, perfect!

''I love you too.'' Mark said at the same level. I handed Louis over to him along with the diaper bag and his food.

''Okay, take him down to day care. There's his bag and food, I've gotta go I'm getting paged.'' I said, again, very loudly. He agreed with me and kissed me again to say goodbye. I kissed Louis on the cheek and walked away quickly in the other direction. Mark began to walk to the day care but he felt a tap on his shoulder. 

Mark's POV

''Dr Sloan, Hi.'' Nurse Daisy said. 

''Nurse, I'm a bit busy, I'm taking my kid to daycare.''

''Oh, I didn't know you had a kid.'' She said acting surprised. 

''You're new, right?'' I asked already knowing the answer.

''Uh, yes.. I am.'' Her voice was slightly shaky. 

''That explains it. You see, I've kinda been hooked on Dr Lexie Grey for 10 years now, but you wouldn't know.'' I said matter-of-factly. 

'Oh I-'' She began.

''Also, the hospital is named after us, you see, Grey.... Sloan- you get the picture.'' I interrupted her. She stood there flabbergasted as I smiled and walked away. The plan worked, thank god. One thing that still bugged me is that Meredith didn't pretend page Lexie like she promised, I better go find Mer.

''Hey how's my favourite wife of Derek?'' I said walking into their office, Derek's chair was empty meaning he was in surgery. 

''Great, how's my favourite power puff girl?'' She said smartly.

''Power puff gir- OHHH the Power Puff Posse! I get it.'' I rolled my eyes. 

''What's up Mark?'' She asked as she fumbled with papers on her desk.

''Umm, uh- Are you ok? 'Cause you forgot to page Lexie this morning during our little intervention.'' I asked like a concerned big brother.

''Huh?'' She seemed to not remember at all.

''You we're supposed to fake page Lexie as part of our plan at 8am, but you didn't. Did you forget?'' 

''Plan at 8 am- OH yes, that. Yes I must have forgotten, so sorry. Did it end up working?'' She began to remember after I reminded her further. 

''Yeah it worked, I was just checking if you were alright, that's all.'' I explained.

''Oh. Yeah well I'm fine so stop stressing.'' She laughed. 

''Ok ok. I'll see you tomorrow at Amelia's and Link's wedding.'' We said our goodbyes and I left the room. 

Elena's POV

Stefan and I couldn't have been better. Our relationship was intact, our work dynamic was great. Everything was perfect. He and Lachlan were getting on better terms, everything was great. We walked down the stairs of the hospital into the main lobby, it was nighttime and raining. His car was close the the exit so we would take his car to the restaurant. We stood in the middle of the lobby putting our coats on, me admiring him like he was a god.

''Long day.'' He said with a smile as I leaned down to grab my bag off the floor. 

''Yeah'' I replied as I fixed my hair and lifted up my bag. 

''Somewhere out there is a steak with your name on it, maybe even a bottle of wine.'' He said with a smile. 

''It's why I keep you around.'' I giggled softly. ''So we need to talk.'' I continued.

''Wine first, talk later.'' He said.

''You tryna get me drunk so you can take advantage of me?'' I asked sarcastically.

He laughs. ''I think I like that idea.'' I agreed as he took my hand and we prepared to leave the lobby. He fixed my coat and pulled my hair out from under the collar. He kissed me quick on the lips, almost like habit. 

As I looked up to meet my eyes with his, my eyes stopped midway. They stopped at the door, more specifically the man standing in the door. The man made his way over to us weaving in and out of the people exiting the hospital. Just before he arrived, I looked apologetically into Stefan's eyes.

''Stefan, I am so sorry.'' I apologised before the man stopped right in front of us. 

''Matt.'' I sighed. ''What are you doing here?'' I asked heavily. 

''You'd know if you bothered to return any one of my phone calls.'' He said before he turned to Stefan and held out his hand. ''Hi, I'm Matt Honeycutt.'' The man said while he shook Stefan's hand. 

''Matt?'' Stefan questioned.

''And you must be the man who's been screwing my wife.'' He pointed his finger between the two of us. Stefan looked down at me, confused and upset. 

A/N: well i'm sorry this is so short. I'm exhausted and unmotivated. It's my second shift at my new job tomorrow and im nervous af so i'll update after that. 

ps. this matt guy will not be a character that stays. he will probably only be here for the next 1 or 2 chapters, but the consequences of his arrival may be long lasting.... but that's for me to know and you to find out. 

xoxo grey anatomy girl 

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