I moved on for the better, you moved on to whoever

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* 1 Year Later* 

Alex's POV

''Alex! Maddison is crying and I'm in the shower can you please get her?'' Jo yell's trying to overpower the sound of the hot water hitting the floor. I made no effort to yell back to her as I knew she wouldn't be able to hear my reply.

''Hey Maddy, daddy's here.'' I said as I reached into the wooden cot and pulled her into my arms. It was very early in the morning, no need for an alarm clock when we have a crying 10 month old baby. I changed her, dressed her and by then, Jo was out of the shower so she could feed her. We had to get going to work so we could drop Maddison off at day care and then head to the surgical floor. 

As soon as we dropped her off with the day care staff, we both got pages 911 to the pit. We looked around and most of the staff seemed to be there and then we looked at the TV. The ferry boat had crashed, many burn victims, many crush injuries and many innocent injured children. Meredith and Derek rushed into the ER frantically trying to choose who goes to the sight, and who stays here to deal with the backlash. Ultimately, they choose to send Gilbert, She-Sloan, Torres, Little Grey and myself. Callie decided to put herself in charge and she started a system. Red tags were urgent, blue tags were injured but not critical, green tags were all clear and black tags were deceased. 

When we arrived, I realised it was way worse in person than on the news. It had something to do with the smell of smoke, the sound of crying and screaming and the sight of terrified citizens. We had a quick team meeting and assigned roles, each of us trying to stick with our respective specialties. I would assess kids, Gilbert would deal with burns, Lexie would deal with head traumas, Torres would deal with broken bones and Elena would deal with general injuries.

We tagged way too many people with red for black tags, there were many blue tags but limited green tags. Red tags were immediately taken too hospital, Black tags were moved to a seperate site so that all the bodies could be identified, blue tags were next in line to the hospital and green tags congregated in the waiting room of the hospital and in the clinic. 

Everyone wanted updates and we just couldn't give them to them. We were just as confused and overwhelmed as them but they just wouldn't understand. Finally, since most people were Jane/John Does, we decided to take pictures of the red and black tagged people and pin them onto a bulletin board in the clinic. This assisted in clearing up some beds and making room in the waiting rooms. 

I had never seen such a traumatising scene in my entire life. Everyone was screaming and crying, there was blood everywhere, kids separated from their mothers. There was this one blonde little girl that clung to Lexie like glad wrap. We eventually found her mother and she was green tagged meaning they could both leave and escape this horrific reality. 

As doctors we were trained for this type of stuff, working under pressure, dealing with tragedies and disasters, but I never thought it would actually happen. And to this extent! I'm just glad Jo didn't come along, I didn't want her to see this. Seeing the victims is traumatising but seeing the scene is even worse. 

We had been been out for hours, most of the people have been transported to hospitals and other facilities. It was time to go back to the hospital and help them with the many, many surgeries they had to perform. We jumped into the back of the ambulance and arrived back at the hospital. We helped with all the surgeries we possibly could with some patients living and some dying. 

Finally everyone had been treated and all we wanted to do was go home and sleep. Jo and I walked to the daycare, picked up Maddison and headed home. Slowly the rest of the doctors exited the hospital and headed for their cars. 

Elena's POV

The ferryboat crash really solidified all the feelings I felt for Stefan. It made me realise that there isn't always a tomorrow. Not everyday is promised. A year ago he told me he would wait for me, but that didn't really happen. He waited a month or two and then someone else came along, Katerina. She was a beautiful brunette with long, curly hair, deep brown eyes and legs that went for days but what made her even harder competition was that not only was she gorgeous, she was also a surgeon, neonatal to be exact. 

They started dating 10 months ago and have been together since. I had been secretly hoping that they would end it and that Stefan would have come running to me but I don't think that will ever happen. I was an idiot for believing no one would come along and take him. And they did. Now, me who was finally ready for a relationship, is in love with a guy in a serious relationship with someone else. I think it's time for me to try and move on. Everyone is either taken or having a baby and then there was me, poor, single, emotionally ready Elena. 

I walked into the car park getting ready to head home when I saw a figure standing by my car. Suddenly afraid, I put the keys on my key chain between my fingers in case I needed a weapon. As I had gotten closer to my car, I realised that some of his facial structure were familiar, it was Stefan. Why is Stefan standing by my car alone at night, I thought. I removed the keys from between my fingers and unlocked the doors of my car. 

''What do you want Stefan, it's been a long day. I'm tired and slightly traumatised, I want to sleep.'' I said as I put my handbag and belongings onto the passenger seat. 

''I need to talk to you.'' He simply said.

''Okay, what about. We've hardly spoken all year.'' I say purposely mentioning our distance. 

''That's what I want to talk about. I think I'm still in love with you!'' He blurted out as he stepped closer to me. I step back as I know that he's in a relationship with someone else. I will never be the side chick, the adulterous whore you could say. I like to think that I'm better than that.

''You're with Katerina! You are not in love with me!'' I say back trying to convince myself more than him.

''I know. I will end it with her but Elena, I do love you, I have all year.'' He admits. No. I am not falling for this. McHunky is not convincing me to sleep with him, or date him as much as I may want to. 

''Seriously Stefan! Why didn't you say something 9 months ago! I was ready then but you couldn't be bothered to wait!''

''I know, I'm an idiot.''

''You are.'' 

''I don't know what to do.'' He admits

''I do. You need to go home, get a good nights sleep, think about what you've just said and reassess in the morning. We will talk tomorrow ok?'' I say as I sat in the car. I need to remove myself from this situation before we do something we regret. The way he looks at me makes me want to throw myself into his arms and stay there forever. But I can't because I will not be the side chick adulterous whore. I will not do that to Katerina, she doesn't deserve that. I've met her before, she is actually very nice and I think if Stefan was never involved, we could have been great friends. We are opposites, I am fiery and she is kind. I am confident and she is quiet. We compliment each other well and we could have been amazing friends, but Stefan makes it a little awkward. 

Stefan didn't say anything, he just gulped and nodded as I closed my car door and drove off. We will discuss this further tomorrow once his brain is normal and sober. Just as I drove off, I realised he was drunk. I didn't notice the smell until I got into my car and didn't smell it anymore. A part of me hoped he didn't remember our conversation while another part of me hoped he did. I will have to wait and see. 

a/n: so sorry this update is so shit. It's so late at night, I have an assignment due tomorrow that i have hardly started, im a mess right now. I will try and update more after I submit this assignment. please vote and comment xxx 

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