[45] Investigate

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Sure enough, Senka and Ryu did come back, though night had begun to fall at that time. 

"Huh, so you weren't kidding when you said you'd get it done within the day." Killua's eyes were slightly widened.

"Of course we weren't! We're pro Hunters!" An irk mark appeared on Senka's forehead. 

Ryu shrugs. "Even though that's hard to believe with the way Senka acts sometimes."

"Excuse me?! You're one to talk!" Senka claps back.

"Okay, whatever."

You sweatdrop, letting out a nervous laugh. "Uh, anyways!" you try to get their attention. "Are we still going to take a look in the forest?" 

"Eh? At this time?" Alluka tilts her head. 

Senka tears her eyes away from Ryu. "I mean, it would be easier to avoid detection if we went right now since it's already dark." 

Killua nods. "I think so too. It'll be better if we went now than tomorrow morning, but we still need to be extra careful," he says, giving you a sideways glance as he narrowed his eyes. 

You gave Killua a sheepish smile, before turning to the Bounty Hunters. "Alright then, let's take a look!"

_ _ _

The moonlight barely illuminated the path ahead of you. It cast soft shadows on the trees and bushes, which looked like a dull grey amid the soft light of the waning moon. 

"...That's odd. There's no sign of Nen usage here, not even En," Senka whispers, placing one of her Wandering Eyes against a tree trunk. 

"En..." you mumble, thinking back to the short training time you had at Ryu and Senka's island. "It's that technique where you greatly extend the range of your Ren to cover a small area, right?" you whisper to Killua, who was right next to you. 

Killua nods. "You would use Ten to give and retain the shape of your aura, which would usually be a sphere." He looks ahead, brows furrowing in suspicion. "It's weird how I'm not sensing it...does this mean he's not here? Or does he not care about getting caught?"

"No. Sanguis would usually use some sort of Nen technique to ensure that no one is after him. Otherwise, we would've caught him ages ago," says Ryu.

Suddenly, Senka extends an arm in front of everyone, stopping you in your tracks. "I have a bad feeling about this..." she looks back at all of you as the moonlight cast an eerie shadow on her face, making her eyes seem even darker than they actually are. 

Ryu nods, frowning deeply. "We're about 500 meters from the warehouse. If we go any closer, Sanguis may be able to sense our auras, even without using En."

"Should we activate Zetsu then so he won't be able to sense us?" you ask.

Senka shakes her head. "Don't. If any unexpected attacks come our way, you won't be able to protect yourself."

Killua raises a hand. "If that's the case, I can go ahead and scout the area."

"Huh?!" You whisper-shouted. Alluka's eyes immediately widened, while the two Hunters were taken aback. 

"Killua, isn't that really dangerous?!" You grab Killua's hand, squeezing it urgently. 

Alluka nods her head vigorously, a determined frown on her face. 

Killua smiles softly, squeezing your hand back. "I'll be fine. I have experience tailing people."

"But sti-"

"Actually, Killua's experience as an assassin might help us here." Senka places her hands to her hips, turning to face all of you. 

"H-Huh?" you find yourself blinking in disbelief.

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