[27] Mischief

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"Onii-chan! Onii-chan! Can we go out again today? Please?" Alluka pleaded, pulling on her brother's arm.

Staring at Alluka's stubborn actions, a sweatdrop formed on the side of Killua's head. "Going outside too much is too risky, and we don't even need to get anything," he said, staying rooted to his spot despite her efforts to drag him.

"Ehhhh, but I still wanna look around! Come on, Onii-chan!" Alluka gazed up at him with big, puppy eyes, trying to get him to move.

Meanwhile, you could only stare at them from the sidelines, words refusing to come out from your mouth. 'I-Is this what Alluka meant yesterday...?' You thought, a sweatdrop appearing on your head as well.

Stepping forward, you were about to intervene when Alluka shot you an expectant look. 'Onee-chan, help me here!' you could almost hear her say.

'...Ah, I see how it is,' you thought, giving her a subtle smile, before turning to Killua. "Just let her go, Killua. We can come along and watch over her. Plus, we should be fine as long as we stay in crowded places, right?" Walking closer to him, you placed a hand on his shoulder.

With a beaming smile, Alluka turned back to Killua. "See? Even Onee-chan agrees! Let's go. Let's go!!" she exclaimed, eyes sparkling with hope.

Ignoring her, Killua whipped his head to face you. "Oi, I know I said that, but we can't be too reckless here–"

"Aaaand that's why we have our phones, right? In case we get separated, and something happens, we can just call you, so it should be fine!" you give a reassuring smile, trying to convince him.

With a frown, Killua stays silent for a bit, as if in deep thought.

"Killua... we're not powerless anymore. We can fight! So stop worrying too much about us, especially Alluka!" you grab his other shoulder, making him face you entirely.

His deep blue eyes, clouded with uncertainty, suddenly met your confident ones. A subtle heat rushed to his cheeks as he stared at your bright orbs. After a while, he finally let out a long sigh. "Fine, fine. Geez..." he mumbles, averting his gaze from you. "You better thank (Y/N)'s hard-headedness for this, Alluka."

"YAY!! Thanks, Onee-chan! And thank you, thank you, thank you, Onii-chan!" she squeals in delight, jumping over to give Killua a soul-crushing hug.

"You better not make me regret this," he says, patting Alluka on the head before she ran off to get ready. "Especially, you, (Y/N)," he narrows his eyes suspiciously at you, raising a hand to poke your forehead with his finger.

"U-Uh..." you start sweating nervously, feeling Killua's slightly deadly tone. Letting go of his shoulders, you wave your hands around in an attempt to reassure him. "Like I said, Alluka's much stronger now. You shouldn't worry too much!"

"You better be right about this," Killua sighs once more, staring at the doorway where Alluka ran off. "Anyways, we better go get ready as well."

You nod, before proceeding ahead. 'Alluka, you better know what you're doing. You're making Killua worry even more by doing this.'

_ _ _

"So then, what did you wanna do?" Killua asks, clasping Alluka's hand in a firm grip.

As the three of you strolled around the crowded shopping district, Alluka eagerly pointed to a huge store selling plushies and stuffed animals. "There! Can we go there, Onii-chan?"

"Yeah, yeah. Sure." Killua smiles, leading her to the store while you followed along.

In a rush of happiness and excitement, Alluka rushed ahead to the deepest parts of the store as soon as you stepped in.

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