[66] Sorry

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"What if... I go with Onee-san the next time she goes out??"

Killua's eyes widen slightly. "Oi, do you really think she'd let you join her when I can't even?!" he asks, placing his hands on his hips and narrowing his eyes at Alluka. 

"U-Uh...." Alluka falters for a bit. "Well, I'm not you though, Onii-chan!! Maybe it'll be different for me!" 

Killua sighs, slumping his shoulders as he trudges towards her. "You've grown to be really stubborn, you know?" he says, patting her on the head.

An irk mark appears on Alluka's forehead. "No, you're the stubborn one, Onii-chan!" Alluka exclaims with a pout. 

"Me?! Seriously, where is this coming from?" Killua's eyebrow twitches as he retreats his hand from her head.

"You have to let me do it, Onii-chan! Please!" Alluka claps her hands together in prayer, looking up at him with pleading eyes. 

Killua narrows his eyes at her once more, before sighing in defeat. "Alright, fine–"


"Wait, I'm not done." Killua looks at her, arms crossed. "You need to consider every possibility. What are you gonna do if she says no? What's your next plan?" 

 "Oh, uh..." Alluka pauses in thought. "Oh! I'll just follow her in secret, then!" 

"You–" Killua is taken aback for a moment. "Hey, take this seriously!" 

"I am serious!" Alluka argues back. "Well, I think it would be a good idea if you followed her in secret, too. Even if she lets me come with her." 

Killua stays silent for a second, putting a hand on his chin as his brows furrowed in thought.  

"...I think it's a good idea." A voice said from the room's entrance. 

Alluka whirled around, seeing Ryu and Senka standing by the doorway. "Oh!" Panic overtook her features. "Did you hear all that?" 

Senka chuckled. "Well, you're not exactly the quietest person around..."

Alluka's jaw dropped. 

"Actually, we were thinking of joining you in your plan. I'm worried about (Y/N) as well." Ryu speaks up with a determined look. Senka nods in agreement. 

With widened eyes, Killua turns to the two Hunters. "...Are you sure?" he asks, confusion evident in his features. 

"Of course we are! And we're not going anywhere until you say yes!" Senka puts her hands on her hips, lifting her chest with a confident smile.

"Ohh! Does that mean we're going with my plan, Onii-chan?" Alluka beams excitedly. 

Killua lets out a deep sigh, but you can catch the slight upward curl of his lips. "Fine, but you have to follow my directions. It won't be easy to tail someone like (Y/N)."

Senka chuckles. "We're Hunters, Killua. We'll be just fine!" 

_ _ _

 No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't shake off the tense feeling in your whole body, even as you held Alluka's hand. 

The two of you were strolling around the bustling parts of the city, watching as trees and greenery mixed perfectly with buildings of concrete and glass. 

Alluka was immediately transfixed with the atmosphere, and at first glance, it seemed like you were, too. But we all know that was the least of your concerns. 

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