[77] Warmth

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"Where's... Senka...?" Ryu repeated, mouth slightly agape as he gazed at you with widened eyes. 

Even Killua was taken aback by your question. He looked at the almost-defeated Sanguis for any clues, only to be met with a small smirk. 

"I mean... she survived that, right?" you mumbled, almost as if you were asking yourself. "...right?"

Dead silence fills the room. Ryu averted his eyes from you, lips spreading into a thin line. Killua looked like he wanted to say something, but no words were coming out of his mouth.

Then, you hear soft chuckles erupting from Sanguis' lips. "What? You think she actually survived that?" 

Your eyes went wide.

"Shut up!" Ryu immediately pulled Sanguis up by the collar.

"Why do you keep avoiding it? Just tell her already!" Sanguis smirks as he watches the expressions on each of your faces, somehow remaining unfazed despite the state he was in. 

Ryu's continued silence on the subject only confirmed your fears. 

"W-What..." you mumbled, taking a step back. "But... why?" You looked at everyone's faces for answers but found none. Vivid images of Senka from that day flashed through your mind. The way the light in her eyes faded as she collapsed lifelessly on the ground. The way Ryu desperately shook her 'awake' as Sanguis dragged you away. You tried to push that all to the back of your mind, insisting that she was okay. She had to be. But now–

Hearing that crashing sound forced you back to reality. It turns out that Ryu had punched Sanguis on the face with his Hatsu, sending him across the room and onto the wall once more.

"Killua. Get (Y/N) out of here," Ryu orders. He walks up to Sanguis, who was still conscious even after that attack.

You widen your eyes as you step forward. "W-Wait, but I need to know–"

"You need to go, (Y/N)!" Ryu exclaimed, looking you straight in the eye. 

Ryu's stern and serious gaze was already something you've never expected. But the anger and pain behind that made you stop in your tracks. It was like a flame flickering with the wind, unsure if it was going to extinguish itself, or spiral out of control and burn everything in its path.

You opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out. Instead, you looked down at your feet as you felt your chest get tighter and tighter. Your mind was all over the place, and you were starting to feel dizzy. 

Then, you felt Killua's hand gripping yours. Its warmth calmed you down a little. "Let's go," he said.

You didn't reply, but you didn't object either when he pulled you by his side and walked you to the open window. Your original escape route.

Meanwhile, Ryu continued to approach Sanguis, glaring down at him to meet his eye level. "I finally got you now," he seethed.

Just before you and Killua jumped out the window, he turned to Ryu one last time. "Ryu," he called.

The Hunter didn't fully acknowledge him, but you could tell he was listening.

"Watch yourself," was all he said, before leaving the warehouse with you. 

_ _ _

As soon as you touched forest ground, you collapsed on your knees. All the fatigue and injuries from the battle came crashing down on you, not to mention the realization that Senka was gone.

"Hang in there, (Y/N)..." Killua's heart sank at the sullen look on your face. He gently lifted you up bridal style, planning to carry you all the way out of the forest.

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