[59] Discord

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Your eyes widened. '...Between me and Sanguis?'

Killua waited patiently, never taking his eyes off of you. Meanwhile, you were struggling to form words. One second you would open your mouth to say something, next second you would be looking down at your lap with an unreadable expression on your face. 

"...(Y/N)?" He looked more worried than usual. 

"Uh, W-Well..." you began. "Well, we fought."

Killua sighs. "I can tell by the number of cuts you have. What did he say to you?"

'He's really gotten me figured out, huh?'  You sighed. 

A tsk sound can be heard from Killua. "Did he threaten you? I swear that snake is the shadiest–"

"No! No, he didn't threaten me..." 

Killua went silent as he averted his gaze, narrowing his eyes in thought. 

"Killua..." You took a deep breath. "Remember that one time I mentioned my brother?"

His eyes went wide at your sudden question as he whipped his head to face yours. "Yeah. You said he died along with your parents."

You tensed up as moments of that night flashed in your head. "I... just realized something today."

Killua maintains eye contact, but his expression turned sour as if he's got an idea of what you're about to say. 

You gaze directly into his eyes. "Sanguis... he's... he's my brother." 

Killua frowns deeply. "This isn't some weird joke, right?

"No! I'm being serious!" 

"That creepy and manipulative snake... is your brother?! How did you even find out?" He exclaims, standing up and running a hand through his hair.

You pout. "My brother isn't like that! He's the best brother ever!" you reply, before looking down. "I found out because of a scar he had. A scar only my brother would have."

Killua furrows his brows at you, sitting down once more. "Okay, (Y/N), I know you wouldn't make up something like this, so I'll believe you," he pauses in thought again. "I don't know what kind of person your brother was, but from the way things are right now, he's insane. Don't trust him." 

"Wait, Killua–"

Suddenly, you hear rushed footsteps enter the room. You both turn your head to the entrance,  seeing a panicked Alluka holding some cloth bandages and disinfectant. She was panting heavily and her shoulders were heaving. Her worried and teary expression from earlier was still there, if not worse. 

"Onii-chan, Onee-chan!" She ran towards both of you, placing the bandages on the table. 

Killua smiled softly at her, patting her on the head. "Calm down, Alluka. We're gonna be fine." 

You shared a look with Killua, before going completely silent as Alluka treated you both.

_ _ _

"Hey, Onii-chan, Onee-chan?" Alluka asked, finishing up on a bandage around your arm. 

"Yeah?" you replied. 

"Are you guys fighting?"

Killua tensed up as his eyes widened. "Wha– N-No...!" 

"Hmm..." Alluka narrowed his eyes at the both of you. "Are you sure??" 

"...Yeah, don't worry about us, Alluka." You immediately stood up, flashing her a reassuring grin. 

Alluka panicked a little at your sudden movements. "Wait, Onee-chan! Slow down–"

"Thanks for patching me and Killua up!" you wave at her, before taking Killua's hand and dragging him out of the room.

"O-Oi, (Y/N)! Careful!"

You took Killua to a separate room and closed the door, letting out a deep and tired sigh. "Oww!" You suddenly winced, clutching your side as a sharp pain sets in. 

"Stupid. Alluka just patched you up and you're reopening your wounds already..." Killua sighed as he facepalmed. 

"K-Killua..." You lean against the wall as the pain fades away. "My brother's not insane. He's really kind and gentle."

He frowns. "Seriously? Then explain all the things he's done ever since we bumped into him! He's battle-hungry and a creep!" Despite those harsh words, Killua's eyes shone with worry, though you weren't able to notice.

"Maybe we just misunderstood him!" 

Killua raised an eyebrow. "Are you for real? Haven't you learned anything from your fights with him, you weirdo?!" 

"I–" you stopped, pursing your lips together. You remember the look in his eyes as he fought you in Heavens Arena and earlier in the forest. They were exhilarated and excited... just like yours. You remember your childhood when he would give you gentle pats to the head, soft smiles, and trips to the forest during autumn days. It made you forget about all the bad things happening around you.

"Look, maybe he just enjoys fighting like me! I mean, we're related... so it makes sense–" You averted your eyes. 

"(Y/N)." Killua gently grabs your shoulders. "You know it's way more than that! He has a bounty on his head for a reason, dammit." 

It was that feeling again. That feeling of hesitation as you remembered your encounter with Sanguis earlier. That eerie moment when you realized he was your brother.

"B-But..." you mumbled. "He's my brother... he'd never do that."

"(Y/N), calm down and look at things logically." Killua shook you gently. "From the looks of it, he's changed. Drastically. The brother you knew doesn't exist anymore!"

You furrowed your brows. "That can't be true! You don't get it, Killua," you exclaimed, shaking yourself off of his grip. 

Killua's eyes widened. He put his hands down as he averted his gaze from you. "I'm trying to get you to think, (Y/N). Just because you found out he's your brother, doesn't mean we should trust him!" 

"I thought you'd at least understand me... like you always do..." you sighed, turning away from Killua. Suddenly, it felt as if you were miles away from him, even though he was right there. 

"I do, you idiot! That's exactly why I'm trying to knock some sense into you!" Killua tried to grab your shoulder again, but you shrugged him off. 

You just looked at him from the corner of your eye. He could see the turmoil and hesitation in them, but most importantly, the hurt in them. 

Killua swore he heard something crack, though he wasn't sure what it was. He hung his head low, covering his eyes with his silvery hair and clenching his fists.

You gave him a small smile, but even you knew it was forced. "Let's just... talk about this later," you said, placing your hand on the doorknob. "I'll see you later, Killua."  You give him a small wave, before leaving the room. 

Killua stared at the door the moment he heard it shut. He was left alone, and his fists remained clenched even as he shoved them inside his pockets. "I swear, you can be just like him sometimes..." 



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