[70] Bleak

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For some reason, you found yourself outside the warehouse, sitting down on the grass and bringing your knees to your chest. 

It was cold, and very late at night. Looking up ever so slightly, you could see the waning moon providing you solace with its soft light.

In fact, it was just like that night all those years ago. 


The moon was just as bright, and the breeze just as cold. 

"...Nii-chan? It's starting to get super dark," you pulled on his arm a little, trying to get him to stand up. "Should we head back?"

He didn't respond, and your gaze fell to his bandaged arm. It's been a couple of hours since your parents announced they were leaving for a few years, and your brother's mood seems to have gotten worse.

'...What should I do? Nii-chan is never like this...'

You felt yourself tearing up from worrying, but you immediately shook your head, forcing those tears back and taking a deep breath. 

"Do you... do you want to wait until Mom and Dad are gone?" you asked with uncertainty, fidgeting as you waited for his response. 

He didn't say anything. Instead, he looked at you from the corner of his eye. It was a cold, lifeless, almost hostile stare. It almost seemed like something broke inside of him.

You felt chills run up your spine. That was not your brother. 

"...No, it's fine," he finally responded, getting up and dusting his pants. 


"Let's go back now," (B/N) said, extending a free hand for you to take. His tone was firm and oddly confident, a stark contrast to the look of emptiness in his eyes. 

"O-Okay..." you hesitated, before taking his hand and walking back. 

You ignored how icy his touch was, or how eerily silent he was the entire trip home. 

'Maybe he's just sad that we won't get to see Mom and Dad for a long time...'

But deep down, you knew that was far from the truth.


"–(Y/N)? What are you doing out here?" a voice interrupted your thoughts. 

You nearly jumped in place, whipping your head around to the source of the voice.

"Oh, Nii-chan..."

Your brother raised a brow, before sitting right beside you. "What's wrong?"

You averted your eyes, turning away and looking up at the moon again. 

"...The moon looks familiar."

(B/N) blinked in confusion. "What?" 

"I mean–" You hugged your knees closer to your chest. "...It looked just like that when mom and dad died."

Your brother's expression turned bleak as a suffocating silence followed. You looked down on the grass, while your brother stared at the moon in your place, his expression unchanging. 

"...huh, I never noticed," he finally replies, looking down at you through the corner of his eye. 

Your gaze never left the ground even after hearing his reply.

"Why is it still bothering you? That was years ago."

You tensed up, breath hitching for a split-second. "It's..." 

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