[BONUS] An Endless Bond

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"Is this... a scar?" 

You took a closer look at your right arm, no longer wrapped in bandages just like the rest of your body. It was strange. The rest of your injuries healed without much issue for the past week, but for some reason, this wasn't the case for your right forearm.  

"(Y/N)?" Killua poked his head from behind the doorway. "How're your injuries?"

You turned to the door, watching as Killua curiously approached. "I'm all healed, thankfully, but..." you furrow your brows at your right arm. Now that you think about it, this scar looks oddly familiar...

Killua follows your gaze to your arm, narrowing his eyes at it. "Can I?" He looks up, waiting for your nod of approval before holding your arm for him to inspect. "These marks..." he mumbles, running a finger down your forearm to trace the jagged scar. 

Though it wasn't exactly the same, the scar looks very similar to the one Sanguis has. 

"It's fine, really. I don't mind!" You managed a smile and a thumbs up. 

Killua raises a brow. "You sure?" 

"Yeah!" You chuckle, pulling your arm away and running towards the door. "Anyways, let's go meet up with the others!"

Killua watches you, before sighing and shaking his head. "Don't push yourself too hard, okay?" He walks over, holding your hand and interlacing his fingers with yours. 

"Yeah, yeah." You smiled, gripping his hand back as you leave the room with him.

' I guess my time with my brother won't ever be forgotten.' 


Alluka scans her eyes across the city streets for the millionth time. "When are Onii-chan and Onee-chan coming?" she sighs, slumping her shoulders in impatience. 

Ryu sighs. "They should be on their way by now," he replies, though he discreetly searched the streets the same way Alluka did. 


Gon chuckles. "It's okay, Alluka! I'm starting to get impatient, too!" he cheers. As he looked ahead, though, he spotted the figures of two very familiar people. "Ah! There they are!" His eyes shone as he pointed in the distance. 

Ryu squints his eyes, having difficulty finding where the both of you were from the crowd of people walking. "Uh... where...?" 

"Over there!" Gon stretches his pointed finger even more. Eventually, he started waving his hand high in the air. "(Y/N)! Killua! Over here!!"

It took Ryu a while, but eventually, he spotted you and Killua so far back, looking like blurred dots that barely resembled a human form. He raises a brow, wondering how Gon was able to distinguish the both of you from such a far distance. 

'Either my eyesight is going bad, or this boy isn't human.'  Ryu thought.

Gon started running through the crowd, followed by an excited Alluka. "Hey, wait up!" Ryu called, chasing after both of them. 

Eventually, you and Killua came into clearer view as they got closer. "Killua! (Y/N)!" The spiky-haired boy continued waving high in the air. 

Killua waved back, sweatdropping at his enthusiasm. "How did you manage to spot us back there?" He asks, before dropping his hand and narrowing his eyes. "Actually, never mind." 

"ONEE-CHAN!!!" Alluka zoomed past Gon, going straight for you and enveloping you in a big hug. 

You nearly fell backward from the impact, much to Killua's horror. Thankfully, you managed to regain balance and return the hug. "Hi, Alluka! It's rare for you to hug me first!"

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