[43] Search

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Sure enough, you and the others arrived at the city near Sanguis' whereabouts just a few days later. 

Sitting down on a patch of grass, you looked around, noticing the abundance of trees and the lack of high-rise buildings you've grown used to. "This city reminds me of a forest somehow..." the corner of your lips tugged upwards into a small smile as you inhaled the fresh air. 

Senka, who was sitting on a nearby park bench with Ryu, looked up from her laptop. "Hm? Oh yeah. This city is pretty known for incorporating greenery into everything. I mean, it is pretty near to an actual forest, where the abandoned warehouse is..." She sighed in frustration. "But seriously, why did Sanguis go to a place like this? I still don't get it! Even after digging and researching with Ryu–"

"That's why I was saying we should have waited a little longer to come here." Ryu sighs, cutting Senka off. "You're way too impatient."

At that, an irk mark appears on Senka's forehead. "Well, we couldn't just sit there digging up info all day! We had to come here sooner or later!" She argued back, much to Ryu's subtle annoyance. 

Thus, their usual arguing commences. 

You sweatdropped at Ryu and Senka's continuous bickering, before turning to Killua and Alluka, who were sitting right next to you. "We're so close to facing Sanguis again..." you sigh, a faraway look in your eyes. "...yet I still don't have a proper Hatsu technique!" Frustration was evident in your voice as you leaned backward, letting yourself lie on the soft grass. 

Killua gazed at your troubled expression through the corner of his eye. "You and Alluka only trained for a few days back at the island. Of course, you still wouldn't have anything."

"Well... yeah, but it's weird how I don't seem to be making any progress. Alluka seems to be developing something at least." You furrowed your brows, staring up at the cloudless sky and the tall trees.  

Killua sighed. "Stop freaking out over it. It also took me a while to develop my Hatsu too, you know?" 

Alluka looked at her older brother with a raised eyebrow. "Really, Onii-chan?" 

"Yeah!" You sat up all of a sudden, leaning in and gazing at Killua's blue orbs. "How long did it take you then–woah...!" You feel the blood rush to your head as you lose your balance a little. "Oops. I probably shouldn't have sat up too fast." You chuckled, clutching your head.

"Ah! Are you okay, Onee-chan?" Alluka's eyes widen in shock and worry. 

Killua immediately had an arm around you to help keep your balance. "(Y/N)! Geez... be more careful next time, you idiot." He sighs. 

You laugh it off, waving a hand dismissively. "I'm fine! I just sat up too fast. That's all," you beam at them. 

Seeing your smile, Killua's eyes widened slightly as heat rushed to his cheeks. "Y-You can be too reckless sometimes, you know?" He utters, letting go of you. 

"Wait, Killua!" You grab his hand as you lean closer to him. "You haven't answered my question yet!"

"H-Huh?!" He leans back, feeling his body temperature rise even further. "What do you mean?!"

You narrowed your eyes. "How long did it really take you to get your Hatsu? I can't believe it didn't take you just a few days!"

"Y-You're seriously still worried about that?!" 

"Onii-chan's lying! I can tell!" Alluka chimed in, pointing at Killua with a suspicious glare.

Seeing yours and Alluka's stares, and the Bounty Hunters in the background still bickering at each other, Killua couldn't help but sigh. "All right, all right. I lied," he said. "I already had an idea of what I wanted my Nen to do, so it only took me a couple of days to develop it."

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