[19] Encounter

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Just a month had passed by, and here you were, ready for your first match in the 200s.

Inside the closed entry tunnel, you clutched your sheathed dagger by your side. Taking a slow, deep breath, you calmed yourself down and waited for the announcer's cue to set foot in the arena.

"Just remember everything you were taught, and you'll be fine, (Y/N)," you mumble to yourself, attempting to calm down your excitement and nerves. 

Then, you heard it.

"FOR OUR FIGHTERS TODAY, WE HAVE (Y/N), OUR NEWEST PARTICIPANT IN THE 200s!! HOW WILL SHE DO IN HER FIRST EVER MATCH, I WONDER?!" Her cheery voice was slightly muffled, yet loud enough that the dark entry tunnel you were in seemed to vibrate. 

Right after she spoke, the doors opened, revealing the brightly lit arena and the audience's thunderous roars. Their screams echoed throughout the venue, never faltering for even a second.

At the sight of this, your eyes widened as you felt your shoulders stiffen. Were they all cheering for you? As far as you could remember, they weren't even this loud. 

'Strange, I've never really been this nervous before.' You thought, the corners of your lips tugging upwards into a thin smile.

Taking a step forward, the spotlights centered on you as you revealed yourself to the crowd. With your chin held high, you strode forward resolutely, in an attempt to mask your nervousness. 

Looking up at the lively audience, you see Killua, Alluka, Wing, and even Zushi, who was now healed. Alluka and Zushi both had wide grins on their faces as they cheered for you. Alluka's movements were especially animated as she waved her arms around, shouting and cheering like there was no tomorrow. Meanwhile, Killua and Zushi were a bit calmer, but you can tell they were as eager as everyone else was. 

Noticing your gaze, Killua gave you a toothy smile along with a thumbs up, as if he were wishing you luck. Catching his infectious smile, you returned the gesture, as if you were saying 'thanks'.

Finally, you stepped into the ring with a more relaxed, confident smile. They were all cheering for you, after all. You were not gonna let them down.


'Yikes, if he loses, he's gonna be disqualified from the 200s... I kinda feel bad for him...' You thought, watching your opponent walk up to the ring, wearing that same cocky smile he wore when he challenged you a month ago. 

'But I'm still giving it my all.' 

_ _ _

"ANOTHER CLEAN HIT BY (Y/N)!! THIS BRINGS HER SCORE UP TO 8! WILL MAITA BE ABLE TO CATCH UP?!" The announcer screams, prompting another spike in enthusiasm from the crowd. 

By this time you've grown used to the audience's extra explosive screams whenever you or your opponent landed an attack, so none of this fazed you anymore.

"D-Dammit..." Your opponent stammers, clutching his bleeding hand. "Heh, pretty tough for a kid. You sure you're just a newbie?" He manages to say, chuckling at his pathetic, beaten-up state.

Meanwhile, you were tossing your glimmering dagger in the air, a wry smile crossing your features. 

"Yup. Pretty sure," you say casually, expertly catching the dagger and surrounding it with your aura. "I'll make this quick, don't worry!" You give him a bright smile, a gesture that's the complete opposite of what you were planning to do.  

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