[69] Trapped

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"N-Nii-chan...?! W-What's going on??" Your eyes widened in horror as soon as you stepped inside the old, abandoned warehouse. 

Another pair of eyes immediately fell on the three of you. Even Alluka fell silent, leaving her mouth agape in shock. 

Your brother merely gave you a crooked smile as he pulled you closer to him. 

"Nii-chan... wh–"

"Illumi, I've brought her as we agreed," he says rather coldly, grabbing Alluka by the wrist and pushing her towards him.


"Ah. You actually did it." A voice replied. His wide, pitch-black eyes were much more sinister than usual as he stepped forward. With a cold smile, he grabs Alluka rather harshly. 

Alluka froze at the sight of Illumi as her whole body tensed up.

"Now, when Kil comes along to get you, we can all go home together!" Illumi almost chuckles at the statement. "And I can finally have it under my control...!"

'Alluka!!' You wanted to scream, but Illumi's fleeting glance in your direction froze you in your tracks. Even Alluka seemed to have given up as her head hung down in defeat. 

Sanguis rolls his eyes. "Yeah, whatever. Don't forget your end of the bargain."

"Yeah, I know." Illumi turns to Sanguis, returning to his usual deadpan look. "Who did you want me to kill again? Ryu and Senka?" 

"One of them's dead. Just get the other one," he replies.

Your breath hitched at those words. 'What... What is Nii-chan saying?! What is he doing?!'

"SENKA CAN'T BE DEAD!" You blurted out, holding back tears. "There's no way..."

Illumi hums, ignoring your sudden outburst. "Alright. Just Ryu, then," he nods, before walking away and dragging Alluka with him. 

"Hey! Where are you taking her?!" You tried to chase after Alluka, only to be pulled back harshly by your brother. "ALLUKA–"

"(Y/N)," your brother calls rather sternly. "Don't worry, you'll have many opportunities to see her."

You gulped. Your heart began pounding against your chest as you started to shake. "Why... Why would you do that?! Alluka did nothing wrong!!" You screamed. "Why would you want Ryu and Senka dead?! They were so nice to–"

"I know, (Y/N)." He cuts you off. "Don't worry, everything will be fine as long as I'm here." He reassures you with a smile. 

'Will it?? Nii-chan.. hid his true plans from me...' your eyes widened. 'and Killua...'

Your brother places a hand on your back. "Now that we got that over with, let's g–"

"Oh~♡ I didn't expect to see you so soon, (Y/N)." Another presence enters the warehouse.

You immediately stiffened. 'That voice!' 

Your brother makes an audible "tsk" in annoyance as he tightly grips your shoulder. 

Meanwhile, you slowly turn towards the direction of the voice. Its familiar, honeyed tone keeps you on guard. The voice's owner came into your view, and sure enough, the same Fuschia hair, face paint, and cynical smile were all there. 

"Hisoka? What are you doing here?" Your brother's tone was hostile. 

A small chuckle merely erupts from Hisoka's lips. "You don't look happy to see me. That's too bad~♤"

"What do you want with us?!" (B/N) pushes you behind him. 

Hisoka gives a close-eyed smile at the both of you, before running a hand through his hair and walking past. "I'm just having some fun while this lasts, Sanguis, ♢" he looks at him through the corner of his eye, before continuing on. 

You narrow your eyes in confusion, looking up at your brother for any clues. However, the deep scowl on his face gave you nothing. "Let's go, (Y/N)," he says, pulling you along with him.

'I hope you're okay, Alluka...'  you thought to yourself, hanging your head down and closing your eyes shut. 

'And Killua... please be okay.'

 _ _ _

"Aren't you gonna make some requests from me?" Illumi curiously peered into Alluka's eyes with the slightest hint of malice, dragging her along to a specific part of the warehouse.

Alluka immediately knew that Illumi wasn't talking to her, but to something else. 

A deep frown distorts her features. "...no, it'll never come out. N-Not unless Onii-chan asks it to!" 

Illumi tilts his head rather nonchalantly. "Really? No matter what I do?"

Alluka finds it in herself to look him in the eye. "N-No matter what you do! I'll protect Nanika from you...!" 

"Oh." Illumi stops in his tracks, turning his whole body to face Alluka. "Not even when I do..." Illumi raises his free hand and hovers it in front of her throat. "...This?" 

Alluka can feel oxygen escape her as Illumi tightens his hand around her throat. She tries to scratch and struggle free, but to no avail. 

Meanwhile, Illumi watches her with expressionless eyes, as if waiting for something to happen. Seconds pass by, and when nothing happens save for Alluka's weakening struggles, he finally lets go of her. 

"This is bad." He stretches his fingers. "If I end up killing you, not only will I never have Nanika's power, but Kil will detest me, too. That's not an option."

Alluka went into an immediate coughing fit. 'Doesn't Onii-chan hate you already, though?!' she thought, gasping for air.

Illumi continues dragging her along. 

"Wh-Where are you taking me...?" Alluka's voice came out weaker than usual. 

Illumi ignored her. Eventually, they reached the door to a room at the far end of the warehouse. 

"Here." Illumi opens the door. It was a windowless room with cargo boxes stacked against a wall. On the other side lay a makeshift bed made of boxes and some fabric. 

Illumi pushes Alluka inside as she looks around cautiously. Eventually, she notices something on the wall next to the bed. Shackles with one end mounted to the wall. 


"This is where you will be staying," Illumi says like it was nothing. He nonchalantly walks over, grabbing the free end of the shackle. 

"Wait, no!"

He forcefully cuffs it around Alluka's ankle. "I suggest you don't move around too much." he shrugs, before leaving the room and shutting the door. 

Alluka stares at the shackle around her ankle, trying to process everything that happened. Eventually, her knees buckle as she falls to the ground. She didn't even realize just how oppressive Illumi's aura was until he finally left. 

With all her might, she tries reaching for the door. But the shackle's chain pulled her back   

She tried banging on the walls, using Nen to break her restraints, everything. It was as if Illumi prepared for every possible situation. 

"Onii-chan... Onee-chan..." She finds herself hugging her knees as tears start to stream down her face. 

"Help me, please." 

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