[47] Crimson

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As you opened your eyes, you were immediately blinded by an intense ray of sunlight. Squinting them, you placed a hand in front of your face to shield yourself from its brightness.  

As your eyes started adjusting, the leaves of a tree started coming into view as they slowly fall to the ground. Each of them was in vibrant colors of yellow, orange, and red. As you breathe in the cool autumn wind, you could see the cloudless blue sky behind them. It was bluer than usual, as it was a deeper, more saturated color. Somehow, it reminded you of someone, but who was it again? Your memories were hazy for some reason.

"Get up, (Y/N). We should start heading home now." A voice said. Suddenly, the figure of a teenage boy loomed over you, his hair and eye color the same as yours. 

Your eyes widened as you let out a small gasp. "Nii-chan...?!" 

Your brother sighs, a smile tugging at his lips. "Yes, it's me. Are you still half-asleep, (Y/N)?" 

You blinked a few times, wondering why you were so surprised to see him.

Realizing you were lying down on some grass, you stood up, looking at the scenery before you. You watched as more leaves fell to the ground, going with the flow of the wind. 

Your brother took your hand with his much bigger one. You noticed the jagged, sickle-shaped scar along his forearm. Then, you craned your neck all the way up to meet his gaze. Strange. Were you always this small? You looked down at yourself, noticing how childlike your proportions are. 

You frowned, wondering why everything felt so off. Before getting any more lost in your doubts, though, you felt a tug on your arm. Looking up, you see your brother walking ahead as he led you along.

You followed, admiring the endless row of colorful trees as you walked past them. Looking around, you recognized that this was the very same forest you would get lost in so many times in the night. 

As you face forward once more, you see a fallen leaf just inches from your face. You manage to catch it, admiring its crimson red color. You didn't know leaves could be this red. A smile made its way to your face, and without thinking, you ran forward, stopping right in front of your brother. "Look, Nii-chan!" you exclaim, shoving the bright red leaf in front of his face. "It's a super red leaf!" 

Your brother looks taken aback, before taking the leaf and turning it around. Then, he looks down at you, a gentle smile on his face. "It sure is. Do you wanna bring it home?" 

You nod your head vigorously. "Oh! But I wanna find more of them!" You let go of your brother's hand, making your way towards the trees as fast as you can. The doubts you had just moments ago were completely forgotten, as you let the autumn wind blow past your face.

"Hey! (Y/N)!" Your brother calls out in distress, letting out a deep sigh. 

Soon, you found another crimson red leaf falling with the wind. You take it before it reached the ground. It wasn't long before you found another, and another. They all seem to be coming from the same direction. Without thinking, you followed them, picking up more leaves along the way. 

The deep blue sky seemed to have darkened and dulled. Strange, there were no stars or moon in the sky, just darkness. You kept going, though, not noticing everything fade out and disappear. 

It wasn't long before you stopped in your tracks. In front of you was a tree much taller than the others you've seen. It had an ashen gray trunk and its branches were spread wide like a web. Most importantly, every one of its leaves was the same crimson red color you've been chasing. Its leaves kept falling, rustling loudly with the wind, but it seems like there was no end to it. 

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