[51] Taken

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Hisoka smiles, gauging the Hunters' strengths with amused eyes. "Oh~? You know who I am? ♡" he asks, smile growing wider. "Then, this makes things a little more interesting."

Senka scoffs. "What's interesting here is the fact that a self-centered murderer like you is working with someone else! What's up with that, huh?" She projects her Ren rather aggressively, getting into a fighting stance. 

Hisoka chuckles, raking a hand through his vibrant-colored hair. "There's someone I want to watch, you see? She has great potential to entertain me one day.♢"  

An irk mark appears on Senka's forehead. As she was about to go punch Hisoka in the face, Ryu grabs her shoulder. "You're getting impatient and annoying again, let's wait." 

"Wha–? We need to get to where Killua and the others are as soon as possible!"

"I know! But we can't get ourselves killed before that!" Ryu argues back, glaring at her through the corner of his eye.

Senka scoffs, taking a step back. 

This time, Ryu looks directly into Hisoka's eyes. "How much do you know about us?" 

"Oh? Curious now, are we~?" Hisoka slowly walks towards the Hunters, shuffling with the two cards in between his fingers. The two cards turned to three, then four, before disappearing completely. "Sanguis was quite talkative about you two, you know? I'm surprised he even remembered the names of his victims back then! ♡" He gave Ryu and Senka a malicious smile. "Shiro, wasn't it?" 

"You–!" Ryu's voice was laced with pure anger, something that rarely ever happens. "You have no right to say his name..."

Hisoka's smile practically reached his ears as he looked down on the two Hunters. "Oops~! Did I hit a nerve?" He stops right in front of them. "To think you've come to hunt Sanguis down after all this time. People from Meteor City are so intriguing~♡"

"Stop right there!" Ryu exclaims, loud enough for his voice to crack. He gazed at Senka through the corner of his eye, only to find her whole body shaking. He wasn't sure if it was due to her anger, though, as her face was covered by her hair.

Hisoka feigns a look of shock. "Oh? But I was only saying the things I knew about you, just like you asked!" 

"You're just playing with us, you bastard!" Ryu began to get into a fighting stance, activating his Ren. "And we're not letting you get away with it. Right, Senka?"

Senka nods, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand, and steeling herself for the battle to come. "Let's make this quick." She activates her Ren as well. 


"We'll accept anything you leave here, but don't ever take anything away from us."

Ryu slowly opens his eyes to a foggy and yellow sky. He sat up, feeling groggy and disoriented as he clutched his head. Immediately, a foul stench made its way up to his nose, causing him to scrunch up his face in disgust.

'Where am I... and what is that smell?' he thought to himself, pinching his nose to keep the smell out. He looked around and saw piles of trash stacked up everywhere. Groups of crows were flying around them, cawing and gathering for food around those piles.  

"A... garbage dump?" Ryu mumbles to himself. 

"Hey!" A voice called from right beside him. 

Ryu immediately whipped his head in the opposite direction. There, he sees a young boy around the same age as him. He was staring straight at Ryu's eyes with his hazel ones, face mere inches away from his.

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