Against Orders

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Ivy admires Jackson as he changes and Alex talks, "For the millionth time, Jo and I are not into each other."

Cristina says with her mouth full, "Oh, please. You and Ponytail-Mcgee were canines in heat last night. Literally."

Meredith comes in and sits next to Ivy on the couch, "Told you they were doing it, Avery. Pay up."

"Seriously, you two are one drink away from crazy monkey sex," Ivy laughs at Alex.

"Just stuff her turkey. You'll feel better," Cristina tells him, causing Ivy to laugh.

"I feel fine. Look, I'm not screwing my ex every night and I'm not taking advantage of interns anymore," Alex directs at Cristina.

Ivy sees April, "Hey, Apes. You good?"

April asks the group, "Hey, here's a question. Um, whatever happened to good old fashioned romance? No stuffing of turkeys or taking advantage of interns but you know, what about nice normal dates where people talk, share a meal, get to know each other, and then wind up together, not because they're monkeys, but because they have genuine feelings in a committed way. I mean, what is so wrong with that, huh?"

Ivy and Jackson share a look, "You just described Jackson and I's relationship."

"Are you going to eat all of those?" Meredith asks, looking at the burritos in April's hands.

April then walks out as Ivy starts laughing, "Oh, poor April. I hope the guy she's seeing will work out."

"What guy?" Cristina asks.

"I shouldn't say anymore. I'm technically not suppose to know," Ivy tells them, getting up.

She quickly kisses Jackson before heading to round on her ortho patients.


Ivy stands with Meredith and Cristina as Alex and Jackson walk up with their interns, "Every time I touch this thing, it deletes another patient."

"It deletes a patient?" Ivy asks, accepting Jacksons kiss on the cheek.

"I did the exact same thing this morning. Here. Let me see... something," Wilson takes the tablet.

Meredith nods to the photographers, "Who are your stalkers?"

Alex sighs, "Oh, uh, the new guys are looking for a hospital show pony-a face for the brochure."

Jackson smirks, "Yeah, Karevs my competition."

"Mm. If you can call it that," Edwards says.

Ivy turns to look at her giving her a bitch brow as she slowly backs up and stops smiling. Ivy nods before turning back to the group, "You can't though."

Alex mocks her, "Bite me, McBaby."

Meredith asks them, "And why are there no women in the running?"

"Oh, there was. I turned them down. This face only goes on the Nobel brochure," Cristina gestures to her face.

"I also turned them down. Slightly different reasons," Ivy mentions.

Meredith turns to her, "What was your reasoning?"

"Could you imagine if my sisters got ahold of those pictures? No thank you. Plus, my accepting would mean helping Cahill and no way am I helping that devil."

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