Webber Annoyance

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Ivy lays her head on her kitchen counter as April puts a plate of French toast in front of her, "Thank you. I'm just so tired. Between the twins and this Harper Avery situation and the surgery Derek asked me to be on...I am just exhausted."

April hums, "Yeah, I bet. Hey, I have an ultrasound today. Can you and Jackson come with? You guys have been through this before and Luke is taking a little bit to digest this news and-"

"We would be happy to. We don't have anything schedule for this morning, so once we get the twins ready to go and in daycare, we can go to your appointment," Jackson answers, coming in an giving Ivys forehead a kiss.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, April. We are a hundred percent sure. I'm going to go grab the twins, you eat and relax," Ivy tells April.

She heads to the nursery where she finds both of her kids awake and smiling in their cribs. Christopher has rolled onto his stomach and is rocking back and forth on his hands and knees while Alexus enjoys some tummy time.

Ivy picks Alexus up, "Well, well, well. Aren't you my princess? Yeah. You know what you get to do today? You get to go to daycare and play all day. Yes you do."

Jackson surprises Ivy and picks up Christopher, "And you do to. Just as you both do everyday and mommy goes through this, every day, with you both."

She glares at him, "By now it's routine. Would you stop sassing me in front of the kids?"

"I'm not trying to. I was just making an observation," he argues.

"Whatever. You should change your son's diaper. It stinks."


Jackson and Ivy stand on either side of April at her ultrasound, "And...there you go. See right there? That little blueberrys what you've been waiting for...or not. This wasn't the idea?"

April's head says from side to side, "Uh, well, sure."

The OB looks at her, "Are you looking to terminate?"

"God, no, no," April sits up a little.

"Okay, then. Well, get dressed and meet me in my office," she hands April an ultrasound picture.

Ivy asks April, "Do you want to terminate?"

She shakes her head, "No. I just wish Luke was here and happy about this."


Ivy stands in front of the residents as she explains her part of the latest conjoined twins case, "...be making a mold of the cranial bone flap, so then we'll be able to replace the missing part of the skull..."


Listing to her siblings isn't Ivys favorite pastime, but something that is necessary, "Okay, I will take care of twins A. Amy will take care of twin B."

"Dr. Shepherd," Amelia interrupts.


"No, I mean my name is Dr. Shepherd. You said Amy, and that makes me sound like some sorority girl tagging along on your brain surgery when, in fact, I am your cosurgeon," Amelia corrects him.

Ivy nods, "Shes got a point."

Derek rolls his eyes at Ivy, "Okay. I apologize. Everybody clear on their roles? Uh, Shepherd-Avery?"

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