Why Not?

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Ivy, Meredith, and Cristina stand, watching the interns, "Just look at them. They're so...fresh and shiny."

"Laughing, talking. It's pathetic," Ivy says.

"They're pathetic," Cristina agrees.

Meredith shakes her head, "I can't believe we used to be them."

Ivy disagrees, "I never was. I had to much to prove as an intern. Come on."

She leads them around the lockers and pops out when she hears, "Are they still out there?"

"Rounds are in five minutes. Don't be late," Ivy warns before heading to the pit.

Meredith laughs, "Nice job. You have too much fun torturing them."

Ivy nods, "Yes, but it is a lot of fun. Back me up, Cristina."

"Shes right. It's fun," Cristina smirks.


Ivy stands in the pit as she sees Brooks staring off, "What are you doing?"

"Oh. Uh, I'm sorry. I was... I was just-" she tries to explain.

"Never mind. I don't really care. Go see if Dr. Grey needs you," Ivy tells her, going back to talking with Webber and Callie.

She hears yelling, "I think we killed bigfoot."

Webber looks up from besides Ivy, "Bigfoot?"

"Yeah. I was just having a go at some whitetails, and I heard this scream," the guy in orange tells.

"You shot someone?" Brooks asks.

"I-I didn't see him. I swear. It just happened so fast, and then I saw this thing coming at me, like-like a monster."

Ivy questions, "Did you shoot him again?"

He admits, "I may have fired a warning shot."

The other guy adds, "And I was just headed into town and it jumped into the road. I tried to swerve, but-"

Bailey asks, "Wait. You shot bigfoot?"

"And then you ran him over?" Meredith continues.


Webber looks around, "Well, where's Bigfoot now exactly?"

Suddenly, something sits up and screams, startling everyone. Ivy let's out a little shriek.


They get him into a trauma room and begin trying to remove the disguise that's on him.

"Guys crazy, wearing this thing. It's like he wanted to get shot," one of the men said.

"Brooks, get over here and help with the cutting," Ivy commands the intern.

She does so and then the man shoots up, groaning in pain, "Did you cut him?"

The man answers, "Don't cut my Ghillie suit."

"His what?"

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