Advice Time

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"Is there a reason you called me to meet for coffee instead of just talking at the hospital?" Ivy asks her brother.

Derek sighs, "I have this problem, but I can't do anything about it because I promised Meredith. I need you to tell me the right thing to do."

"Is this thing bad?" Ivy asks.

Derek nods, "Okay, is this harming people and/or property?"

Again, Derek nods, "Is Meredith asking you to not tell because it will get her in trouble?"

Derek shakes his head this time, "Does someone important to Meredith get in trouble?"

"Can you give me advise or not?" Derek grows tired of that.

Ivy sighs, "Look, when I had to tell about April's mistake, I felt terrible. She is one of my best friends and I cost her her job. At the end of the day, my duty at the time was to help find out why that patient died. Your job right now, figure out if telling the truth is worth Meredith getting mad."

Ivy leaves her brother to think about it and goes to the hospital.


Ivy walks to the nurses station and see Reed charting, "Hey."

"Hey, do you think-" Reed starts but is interrupted by Jackson.

He storms up to them, "Webber is letting Grey direct the neck of the pancreas from the portal vein in his whipple today and all I'm doing is opening. Shes getting secret lessons from him."

Ivy sighs, "Thats a fifth year procedure. Thats so unfair. Maybe I can get Derek to let me in on a big surgery to even it up."

"Hey, hey, no. You hate using your brother for things. Don't go down that path," Reed chastes her.

Ivy sticks her tounge out at her, "Yes, its not like selling my body."

"That was a mistake. Besides he told to do that with an attending instead of him. So I didn't end up having to go through with it," Reed argues.

"Can we get back to my problem?" Jackson asks.

"Just be helpful but not overly, don't try and outdo Meredith, but don't not stand out. But overall. Don't. Be. A. Kiss. Ass." Ivy advises.

She smiles at them and walks away.


Ivy meets Meredith, Cristina and Jackson for lunch. She just finished a four hour surgery and is kind of tired so she lays her head on Jacksons shoulder.

"What are you talking about?" Alex asks.

Meredith is practicing for the Whipple, "Shes on this thing-"

"Okay, if you had to choose between the thing you love- surgery- and the person you love, which would you choose?" Cristina asks.

Meredith checks with Alex, "You would choose Izzie, right? Because you two are gonna get back together."

"Shut up."

Jackson is confused, "Wait, why do you have to choose?"

"That doesn't matter. You just do. Which is it- surgery or love?"

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