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Ivy pours herself a cup of orange juice as Meredith decorates a cake for Zolas birthday tonight. She goes to sit down next to Zola and starts making faces at her as Jackson laughs, "Oh, damn it. I screwed it up."

"Gag Zola, really?" Jackson asks.

"Those aren't G's. Those are Y's for yay. Yay Zola. Tell him, Ivy," Meredith turns to her sister-in-law.

Ivy talks in a baby voice to Zola, "Aunt Ivy isn't taking sides, no she isn't. She's just going to look at this cute face right here, yes she is."

As she's to busy looking at the baby, she misses Jackson soft look directed at her. But Meredith doesn't and clears her throat to get his attention.

Jackson gestures to the cake, "See, a normal person would've just written Happy Birthday."

"Well, I couldn't fit all those letters on the cake," Meredith focuses back on the it.

April walks into the kitchen, "Okay, who used up the last of my deodorant?"

The girl at the fridge, whom Alex brought home, says, "Oh, that might have been me. Sorry. Kinda had a workout last night."

April looks at Jackson who says, "Not mine."

"I have an unused one up in my room and it better not be yours, Avery," Ivy tells April who nods in appreciation.

"Coffee," Alex says as he walks in.

"Fresh out, chief," Jackson tells him.

April is confused as Ivy makes Zola laugh, "Wait. N-no. Thats impossible. I just bought some three days ago."

Ivy looks up, "We're out of O.J., too"

"Hey, you're still here?" Alex asks the girl.

"Oh, yeah. I was on my way out, and then I saw these cheeks. So cute," she starts walking towards Zola.

Meredith is quick to pick her daughter up as Ivy moves to sit next to Jackson, "Oh! We don't touch the baby because we don't know where those hands have been."

April quipps, "Alex, does."

Ivy starts choking on the orange juice she was drinking before high fiving April, "Nice."

"Okay, so, um, I have a meeting with Owen, so I'm off. Party is at 8. Don't be late. Ivy, you good to bring Zola to daycare?" Meredith turns to her.

"Yes, give me, give me, give me," Ivy says, standing up to take her niece.

Alex whispers to his one night stand, "I got 20 minutes before work. You wanna, you know?"


"Good. Come on."

They leave the kitchen as Jackson says, "Round two."

Ivy shakes her head, "Nope. As someone who shares a wall with him, it's definitely more than round two."

April shakes her head in disgust, "We need to move."

"Do we?" Jackson asks, smirking as he picks up the paper.

"When I'm not looking at Zola, I agree with April. But looking at Zola, I agree with Jackson," Ivy says, bouncing Zola.

April mumbles to herself as she leaves the room, "Oh, yeah, I'm sure it just when your looking at Zola."


"I love trauma days," Ivy sings walking up to April.

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