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Ivy grumbles as she sees Arizona watching Callie kiss another woman, "You know, it's creepy to stare at people. Especially when they're kissing."

Arizona jumps in surprise, "Oh, uh, yeah, uh..."

"Come on, let's go to the pit," Ivy gestures walking through the doors and into the elevator. She gets down to the pit before Arizona and Callie, "What do we got?"

"Thirty year old male. He and his wife were hit by a car that crashed into their house. Abdominal confusions, right upper leg deformity, binder applied for unstable pelvis. Greys in there now.. Oh, Dr. Torres, Dr. Kepner is over by your patient," Wilson tells Callie, who changes near Ivy.

Owen directs, "Robbins trauma one, Shepherd-Avery, I need you in trauma two, Torres, be- oh, you're changing clothes. You know we have attendings lounges for that."

She shakes her head, "Yeah, no time for that," then walks over to her patient.

He looks to Ivy for an explanation but she just shrugs, "I don't know. Okay, let's go."

"Hang on. I'm gonna need a resident, too," Arizona tells them.

"Edwards, you're with Shepherd-Avery. Uh, Wilson, go with Robbins," Owen directs.

As Edwards cheers, Wilson argues, "No, that's not fair!"

Arizona nods, "Oh, I'm gonna pretend like I didn't hear that."

Wilson gestures to Ivy, "Sorry, but uh, Dr. Shepherd-Avery hasn't lost a  patient since December while Dr. Grey hasn't lost any since November. They are on a streak. Plus, Edwards has gotten a lot of Shepherd time with Dr. Shepherd. There should be a limit on working with the Shepherds."


Edwards ties Ivys trauma gown for her, "Has it really been no patients lost since December?"

She nods, "Yes. Which is even more impressive than Dr. Grey's zero because you're a trauma surgeon."

"Huh, okay, let's roll," Ivy smiles, walking into trauma two.

"Paramedics couldn't get a line. He's hypotensive and needs fluids ASAP. We should start a central line," Meredith tells them.

"Is this the husband?" Ivy asks.

Meredith nods, "Tom Vinson. His wife is next door. His B.P. is dropping. Let's order some o-neg."

Ivy looks over the pelvis, "Edwards, help me with this binder."

She nods, "Okay."

They quickly get to working the pelvis before he goes into v-fib, "He's in v-fib. Starting CPR," Owen calls out.

"Grab the paddles. Charge to 200. Charged. Clear," Ivy grabs the paddles before shocking him.

"He's back," Owen sees.

"His B.P. is not fluid-responsive. He's most likely bleeding inside. I need that ultr-" Meredith starts but is interrupted by Tom's screams.

Meredith grabs his arm, "Tom, listen. We got you, ookay? Lets push 50 of fentanyl. Tom, we have you. Its okay."

Tom wheezes out, "Oh, God. Where's Blair? Shes pregnant."

Ivy nods, "We know. She's here, in the hospital, Tom."

He grimances, "Is she hurt? Is our baby okay? I need to see her. Let me see her."

"Tom, you are seriously injured. You need to settle down and let us do our job," Ivy tries to tell him.

"Blair!" He yells.

"His pressures dropping again. Let's hang another unit. We need to take him straight up. We ready?" Owen asks.

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