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Ivy brushes her hair in the bathroom as she hears small little happy sounds coming from the bedroom behind her. She pokes her head out to see Jackson tickling the twins bellies as he gets them ready for daycare.

The Avery family went on a family vacation for Jackson and Ivys honeymoon. They went to L.A. and visited Addison since a case came in and she had to miss the wedding, then they went to San Diego and enjoyed the sun. Addison even watched the twins for a little bit so that Jackson and Ivy could feel as if they were actually on a honeymoon.

"You're my little princess, aren't you?" Ivy is drawn back to the present where Jackson is struggling to get socks on the twins, "And you're my little prince. Can you two please help daddy out and sit still? Please?"

"As much fun as it would be to watch you struggle for a while longer, we need to go. Here, I'll take Chris' socks," Ivy walks over to her family, Jackson kissing her and handing over their sons socks.

Immediately, the couple is able to get the infants socks on and bring them downstairs, "Okay, so, we get them to daycare and then, apparently, there is this big meeting we have to attend about a policy. Then, I'll be in the E.R. all day. You ready to be back to work?"

Jackson kisses all over Alexus' face, "Huh? Oh, yeah. I double checked the diaper bags-"

"And I double checked them after you did. Just to be sure."

"-So we should be good. Come on, let's go get you two settled into the daycare. Then mommy and daddy are going to be surgeons again," Jackson kisses each of the twins head as they put them into their carseats.

Ivy twirls the ring on her finger, "Lets go, Dr. Avery. Vacation is over, and it's now time to be surgeons and hospital owners again."


Jackson and Ivy stand on the stairs as Derek and Owen pass them. Ivy turns to Jackson, "Oh, I almost forgot. Here is a safety pin. Use it to pin your ring to your scrub top so it's always near by but we don't have to worry about losing it in the O.R."

He takes it and pins his ring on his top, "Next to my heart, which is forever yours."

Ivy snorts, "That was the cheesiest thing you've ever said to me."

Derek moves to stand next to his sister, "Welcome back, how was the honeymoon? Actually, nevermind, I don't want to know."

"You don't want to know about the amazing-" Ivy starts before Jackson puts his hand over her mouth.

"It was good. The twins loved the sun. Oh, look, Hunts starting," he moves his arm to wrap around Ivys waist.

"Thank you all for coming. I know you're all busy, so this won't take long. The board has just approved a new non-fraternization policy. This hospital has to be a safe work environment where our focus remains clearly on providing the best patient care possible. Moving forward, all relationships with co-workers will be discouraged. And all relationships between superiors and subordinates is strictly prohibited. You will all receive a copy of the new rules. Your supervisors will arrange meetings to go over the details. And that's it. Let's get back to work," Owen ends.

Jackson and Ivy quickly leave before anyone can come up and question them. They kiss goodbye as Ivy heads down to the E.R. where a trauma is coming in, "What do we got?"

The paramedic starts telling her, "Lisa Campbell, 32, found in apartment trash chute. Compactor tore her leg up pretty good before it jammed. Lost a lot of blood in the field, but vitals are stable."

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