Save Them

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**TRIGGER WARNING: shooting and death**
*April's POV*

I feel myself start to panic as Derek goes down. I step forward but stop, raising my hands as the shooter points his gun at me, "My name... my name is April Kepner. I'm 28 years old. I... I was born on April 23rd in Ohio. I'm from Columbus, Ohio. Um... my mom- my mom is a teacher, and m-my dad is a farmer- corn- corn- he-he-he grows corn. Their- their names are Karen and Joe. I have three sisters. Libby's the oldest. I'm-im next, and then there's Kimmie, then Alice. I-I-I-I haven't done anything yet. I haven't- I barely lived. I-im not finished yet. No one's love me yet. Please. Please. I'm someone's child. I'm a person. I'm a person."

I cry through all of his speech, "Run."

I don't hesitate, I turn and run. Finding a place and sit. Yang comes, grabbing a gurney and turns to me.

"April, come on. We're taking Derek down to the O.R. Teddy, she's in the O.R. she can save him. Come on," she tells me.

I just stare ahead, finally looking at her, "I saw on Oprah or somewhere that if you tell them personal details about yourself, they're less likely to kill you."

"Kepner, get up. Come on. Come on," she aggressively lunges to me.

"Wait, Ivy. She was shot when this started. I need to go get her," I tells her.

Her head snaps to me, "What? Is she still alive?"

I nod, "Yes, but I don't know for how much longer."

"Go! Get her and bring he down to the O.R. She can't last much longer, I'm sure. Go, we'll meet you down there," Cristina tells me.

I nod and run off. When I get to the supplies, I see Ivy passed out. There's so much blood. I press on her wounds, whispering, "Come on Ivy, you can't do this. Come on. We can't lose two Shepherds here. Come on, please God, please."

"Ap- April?" I hear.

Looking down, I see Ivy hazingly looking up at me, "Hey, stay awake. We're going down to the O.R. okay? Stay awake."

I look around for a wheel chair or a gurney but see none. I make a split second decision and haul her up, supporting her entire weight. I rush down to the O.R. There I see Cristina and Jackson talking.

"They left? Okay, look- oh my God," Cristina is the first one to spot us.

Jackson turns when she points, he freezes for a second, "Ivy? What happened? Are those gunshot wounds? Here, give her to me!"

He rushes forward and takes on Ivys weight, "Shes lost a lot of blood. She was passed out when I found her. How's Derek?"

"D-D-Derek? Wh-what ha-h-happened to him-m?" Ivy asks, laying her head on Jacksons shoulder, eyes barely staying open.

Jackson lightly taps her face, "Hey, no, you need to stay awake, okay? Come on, keep those pretty eyes open for me."

"Tell me there is an attending on this floor," Cristina tells Jackson.

They share a look, before Jackson tells me, "April, in the O.R. behind me, there are two O.R. nurses and an anesthesiologist. Get 'em. Tell them to set up for a cardiac procedure and an abdominal procedure."

I'm so confused, we don't have any attendings that are in working order, "What-what-why? If we don't have a surgeon, what are we gonna do?"

"We have a surgeon."

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