Valen-Oh My

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"You know, I wish I drank more than wine to cope with being alone on Valentines Day," Ivy says to Reed, Jackson, Charles and April.

They are all lounging in the girls apartment, about to start drinking and playing board games.

April points at her, "You're hot, you could get a date if you wanted."

"Not one that understands a surgeons schedule."

Suddenly, all their pagers go off.

"Oh, big one. Lets roll, I'm driving!" Jackson calls out.

Everyone else rushes to the car. Trying to get shotgun. Ivy ends up getting it and does a little dance in the seat as they drive to the hospital.


"Who am I with?" Ivy asks Hunt as they get to the ER.

He looks up, "Torres, I don't know where she is right now but go with her."

Ivy nods and rushes to find her. She asks a nurse to page her if they see Torres.

"Callie, I'm with you."

"Okay, lets roll."


Ivy is on her way to grab something to drink when she sees Sloan, "Sloan? When did you get in? Does Mark know you're here?"

"Um, no. My flight got in a little bit early, and I just took a cab over. I didn't want to bug him or anything. Somebody said that you guys have a free clinic? Do you know where that is?" Sloan asks.

Ivy is immediately suspicious, "Is everything okay?"

"Oh, yeah. I just want someone to check me out... after the surgery and everything. Maybe give me an ultrasound or something?" Sloan says.

Ivy nods, "Yeah, I'm sorry but the clinic closed an hour ago. Come on, I have a second. I'll take a peak for you."

She guides Sloan to an OB exam room.


"Aww, baby looks perfect," Ivy coos at the ultrasound.

Sloan smiles, "Awesome. Um, can I, like, get that in writing?"

The ultrasound starts printing, "Oh, even better. Here is a souvenir."

"Oh, um.... well, don't you have some kind of, like, official form or hospital document you can give me?" Sloan asks.

Ivy looks at her, "Why do you need an official form"

"Oh, well, thats none of your business."

Ivy's voice hardens, "If you want an official form, you need to give me a reason, Sloan. Whats going on?"

She sees that Ivy is serious, "Its for the adoption attorney, okay? They need, like, a clean bill of health from me or something. Theres this great couple in San Francisco, and they have these two big dogs, and-"

All Ivy can think about is how much this is going to crush Mark. Shes known him basically all her life, she knew how much Mark wants a family of his own. Here is his chance and Sloan isn't even talking to him about it? Not to mention that him and Lexie broke up over this. Its going to crush him.

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