Away Game

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Ivy moves with the rest of her team as they prepare to practice their surgery. She gets to lead Jackson, Meredith, Bailey and Wilson in a huge surgery, "Okay, this is only a dry-run, the first of many. Won't be perfect but once we start, we aren't stopping until we get to the other side. Agreed?"

They nod before Jackson smiles at her, "Lets go."

Once through the surgery, they look over the corpse. Jackson leans towards his wife, "What did we just do?"

"A miracle."


"Its a solid plan, Shepherd-Avery, you should be proud," Bailey tells her as she holds Jacksons hand on their way out.

"I am. But we have a few days left still, so I'd like to run through it twice tomorrow, see if we can get our time down. But first, sleep. This baby is sucking a lot of energy out of me," Ivy sighs.

Jackson wraps an arm around her before resting his hand on her stomach, "Well then, let's get you home and in bed."

Owen runs up to them, "Folks, hang on. We have a problem. Colonel Miller just called from Bauer Medical. Our patient just took a fall and has fractured his pelvis."


"Our timeline has changed. His fractured pelvis has compromised blood flow to the leg we need to salvage. Our windows closing. If we wait, there won't be anything left to use in the reconstruction," Owen tells them.

Bailey nods, "Okay, well, when do they want to do it?"


Ivy feels her jaw drop, "I...would've liked another run-through."

Jackson squeezes her hand before asking, "Okay, when-when-when can he come?"

Owen shakes his head, "He's not. After the fall, the patients not stable enough to move. We have to go to him."

"Its an away game."

"Its an away game."

"I'll call your mother to take the twins," Ivy sighs, grabbing her phone and calling Catherine.


Owen explains to Ivy and Bailey on their way to the van, "About Bauer. Military hospitals are a mix of civilian and military doctors with a very strict idea about hierarchy."

"Okay, Hunt, I get it. These are your people. We'll do you proud," Bailey tells him.

Ivy gets into the van, before settling in next to Jackson. She immediately pulls out the patients file and their surgical plan and starts reading. Jackson watches her for a moment before moving to close the files, "And that's enough of that."

She reaches for them, "What? Hey! I need those."

"No, what you need is sleep. Just relax a little."

"We are about to take a man's leg and move his other one into the middle of his pelvis. I need to go over this plan to make sure nothing goes wrong," she argues, reaching for the file again.

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