Hey Mamas

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{trash fluff}

Karl and Quackity were cuddling on the couch watching a movie. They had been for a while because the heater wasn't working and Sapnap was still sleeping in the bed. The movie was playing and Karl was watching it but Quackity was just smiling at Karl. He was lost in thought. How was he so lucky? He had the best boyfriends in the world. Did he deserve this? No. Were they just waiting to kick him out? Probably. Was he going to have to go back with Schlatt? Probably. Did they even care? No. When would they re-

His thoughts got interrupted with a kiss. He blinked back into focus. Karl was looking at him with a smile. "Q, you deserve this. With us. We won't leave you. We love you. You will never see him again, I won't let you." Quackity smiled and pulled Karl gently back into another kiss. Sapnap walked in then.

"Hey Mamas, can I get some?" He even did the e-boy chin thing. Karl blushed and pulled out of the kiss while Quackity burst out laughing.

"Hey Mamas?" Quackity was barely able to talk. Karl was blushing too much to think.

"I didn't," Sapnap stuttered out before slumping in defeat. "Yes, Hey Mamas. Can I have a kiss now?"

Karl stood quickly and wrapped his arms around Sapnap. "Yes you can." He put flutter kisses across the bridge of his nose before giving Sapnap a long kiss. Quackity stood and wrapped the two in a hug before pulling them all down onto the couch again. Karl cuddled in between the two of them and he gave each one a kiss on the cheek before he turned his attention back to the movie.


I don't normally obsess over ships but this one is just so cute. I love them so much. Also I simp Karl can you tell?

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