Oh shit

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Tw: gore, blood, death, and Kaito being a fucking idiot.

[Shuichi's Pov]

"H-Hey Shuichi?"

Me and my Kichi were in the kitchen, washing dishes.

"Hmm? What is it, Kichi?"

"Can y-you do me a favor?" He said, embarrassed. "I noticed t-that there was a l-library. And I d-didn't finish the mystery novel you r-recomended. So w-while you're out t-today, could y-you see if t-they have it?"

"Of course, Kichi! I'll go check it out right now!" I said, kissing him on the head. "I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere!"

With that, I headed off to the library. When I walked in, there was a foul odor. 'Why does it smell like blood?' I followed the smell, only to find..

Rantaro Amami, the ultimate survivor, dead on the ground. A shot put ball covered in blood laid near the body. The blood was dry.

I knew that was his ultimate. Me and Kichi know the whole situation with Dangonronpa. He was in the last killing game and survived, making him the ultimate survivor. What surprised me was a bright light near the body went off. I grabbed the device, a small camera, and turned it off easily. I put it back where it was, and left the room.

I immediately ran to my room. "Hey, Kichi?"


"So about those books in the library... yea, I found something much more interesting then that." I said, grabbing a bag that we packed just for this occasion.

"O-oh." He said, eyeing the bag. "Is it...that?"

"Yea...Hey, it's going to be fine." I said, pulling the smaller boy closer to me. He was shaking a lot.

"I-I didn't e-expect it t-to b-be so e-early...I-I know I s-signed up f-for this, b-but..."

"Hey, it's perfectly natural to be afraid. This reaction isn't bad. I'd be scared if you didn't react like this." I said with a small chuckle. "You don't need to be sorry. You didn't kill him. I should be sorry for putting you in this position. "

"N-No! I-It was m-my choice. D-Don't be s-sorry!"

"Okay. So um, stay in here, Imma get a headstart." I said, letting go of him. "Love you!" I said, heading to the door.

When I opened the door, something unexpected happened. 

Kaito, luminary of the fucking stars, stared at me in fear. 

"Oh. Hi." I said casually. 

"Shuichi... the hell?" He asked "I saw you running, so I followed you, and um-"

"Did you eavesdrop? That's so rude."

"You have some explaining to do." Maki said behind him.

"Uuuuuuuugh. Fine, come on."

"Wait, where are we going? And what's with the bag?" Kaito asked.

"Hmm? Oh, this? Yea, this is to help us investigate."

"Investigate...what?" Maki asked. 

"Rantarhoe Amommy's dead body. Duh." 

[Maki's pov]

"Rantarhoe Amommy's dead body. Duh."

He said it so bluntly, it took a moment to register what he was saying. He took that moment to walk away.

"Huh? Wait, what? Hold on, Shuichi!" Kaito said, trying to keep up with Shuichi. "How do you walk so fast? And dead body? The hell?"

"Keep up! Cause if you don't,  Imma have a headstart!" He said, speedwalking away.

He headed in the direction of the library. Kaito and I looked at each other, then ran after him.

The library was mostly empty, except for...

Rantaro Amami, ultimate ???, dead on the floor.

"A body has been discovered! Head to the library for investigating! After a certain amount of time, the class trail will begin."

Shuichi stood over the body, and nudged it with his foot. "Yep. Pretty fucking dead, if you ask me. Let's see..." He squatted down and opened his bag. He brought out two gloves, and some long Q-tips. He tried to take a sample, but the blood wouldn't stick. 

"The blood is dry, so according to my chart, this happened about..." He brought out a laminated paper with a chart. "9 or 10 last night. So that should provide us with a good basis for alibis."

"Wait, Shuichi! What is going on?" Kaito asked, being an idiot. "What even is that bag?"

"Tsk, tsk, Kaito. You mean to tell me that I'm a detective that doesn't do things correctly? You should have more faith in me." Shuichi said. "This isn't the first body I've been in contact with, so I know what to do. Leave it to me."


"What happened? Don't tell me that one of you virgins died?" Miu yelled, bursting in. Kaede followed her. 

"Miu, Kaede! Yeah, Rantarhoe's dead." Shuichi stated, blunt. And I'm an expert on being blunt.

"Wait, you mean the only boy I wanted to fuck is dead? Shit!" Miu said, earning a sigh from Kaede.

"Yea, sorry your potential fuckboy is dead." Shuichi glared at her, then went back to comparing the shot put ball to the blow on the head.


"Miu, pull it together." Kaede said. "Let's see if our trap worked!"

"Trap?" I asked.

"Yeah! Me and Kaeidiot made a trap for the mastermind!"

"Oh, those never work out." Shuichi mumbled.

"Shush, emo. We worked very hard on this trap! We used cameras and everything!"

"Oh. Well, I regret to inform you, but one of those cameras had the flash on." Shuichi stated.

"Huh? F-Flash?" 

"I said what I said. Flash. Here, this one."

More people were entering the library, including Kokichi.

Shuichi showed Miu the camera, then went over to him.

"Hey, Kichi. You okay?"

"I-I'll be fine." He said, staring at the corpse.

"Hmm." Shuichi hugged the smaller boy, petting his head. "Okay, I need you to help me find the culprit. Can you help me by asking what everyone was doing between 9 and 11?"

"O-Okay. I c-can do t-that. Y-Yea." Kokichi said, shaking.

"Don't worry, we'll find the murderer."

"Y-Yea. Okay."

Shuichi went back to investigating, while Kokichi started asking the others questions.

"Shuichi." He turned his head to me. "Kokichi...looked very scared. Did you just give him that task to take his mind off the body?" I asked.

"Well, kinda. He needs a distraction right now." He looked over to Kokichi, worried. "This isn't really Kokichi's first body, either. Poor thing."

I was confused, but I didn't bring it up. "You... are a good boyfriend."

He blushed, just a little. "Actually,  we aren't exactly official. That's Kichi's decision." He said, avoiding my eyes.


◇Authors note◇

You all know where this is heading. If you don't, well, 00p

Thanks for reading!


Ps. I'm writing this on my tablet, and I can't bold and stuff on my tablet, so I'm using some alternatives.

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