I'm so fucking tired man

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Shuichi pov.

I gathered everyone's attention. "Excuse me, everybody!"

They looked at me, mostly confused.

I smiled and held Kokichi's hand. "Me and my beloved have found evidence that contradicts the first trial. So, we were wondering if we could do something about it."

Kiibo frowned. "What evidence?"

"The shot put ball in the trash over there, this bloody monopad, and more."

"I see. That is pretty weird." Tsumugi agreed, like the fucking liar she was. "But what should we do about it?"

Kichi squeezed my hand. "T-The only way to prove it would be to l-look over previous and new evidence, and we were t-thinking about maybe... um... holding a trial?"

The room fell silent.

I sighed. "You can't blame us for coming to that conclusion. After all, the only way we, as a group, have changed something in this killing game is by holding class trials. It's kinda our only weapon."

"I see." Kiibo nodded. "It's not a bad idea. Plus, we might be able to find the mastermind."

"But...do we really want to go through another trial?" Himiko asked.

"Y-Yeah!" Tsumugi added. "I don't want to experience losing any more friends."

"Since what we're trying to prove in the trial is that the ruling of the first trial was flawed, we probably won't have to lose any friends. Unless, of course, the mastermind who allowed this false ruling to happen is among the five of us."

Once again, silence. 'It's a scary thought, to be sure. But it's not that hard to comprehend,' I thought with a frown. 'I guess they just don't want it to be true. Pathetic, really.'

"It won't come to that." Kiibo muttered.

"And can you be sure?"

"The voice inside my head...is telling me to have hope. It says that none of my friends are guilty. So let's do it. If we can prove that this killing game is flawed, then we may be able to stop it."

Kokichi looked at the giant Monokuma head. "I-Is that okay?"

"Hmmmm..." It hummed. "I think it'll be an interesting development! Let's do it. Everyone gather at the fountain for our potentially last class trial."

We all made our way to the shrine of judgment and stepped on the elevator. Tsumugi especially seemed nervous. I couldn't help but smile. 'She should be nervous. We're coming for her.'

As we stood at our podiums, I gripped Kokichi's hand with a smile. He smiled back.

"So. Let's start this off with the fact that we found a shot putt ball with some pink fuzz on it in the trash can. I think that's the most suspicious." I started the conversation.

Kiibo nodded. "That is suspicious. Pink fuzz?"

"Yeah. Around the same color of Kaede's vest, too."

"A-Assuming that there were two shots instead of o-one," Kokichi added, "we could arrive at the c-conclusion that this shot was Kaede's."

"But...where would the second shot come from?" Tsumugi asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Man, I thought that maybe you'd be able to think critically about this. Obviously, the true culprit of the case, aka the mastermind."

"Wait..." Himiko stopped me. "How do we know that the culprit is also the mastermind?"

"Well, other than Miu, Kaede, and the mastermind, no one else knew about the secret room."

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