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Shuichi Pov.

I woke up to a knock on my door. I dragged myself off the bed, opening the door to find a single note.

Shuichi Saihara.

Meet me outside, near the fountain. I need to discuss something with you. Alone.

Maki Harukawa. 

"Well, this isn't good." I checked the time. 2 in the morning, no one would be up at this time. 

I walked out to where Maki wanted to meet. It said on her note that she needed to discuss something with me. However, I suspected she wanted me dead. That's why...I brought Kaito with me.

"Are you sure this is where Maki-roll said to meet?" He asked. "She isn't even here..."

"Yes. It said very clearly on the note that she wanted to meet here. She most likely wanted to kill me, saw that I brought you, and is revising her plan."

"You think...Maki was trying to kill you?"

"...She asked to meet me alone, in a killing game. I'm a bit suspicious." How stupid can you be?

"So that's why you needed me. Heh, you want to solve things with Maki!"


He grinned, giving me a thumbs up. "You want to say sorry for being an asshole, and Maki can do the same. You want to be friends again!"

"...What gave you that impression?" I asked, giving him a deadpanned expression.

"D-Don't make that face! I was just assuming!"

I scanned the area, ignoring the rambling idiot next to me. I saw Maki approaching, and I nudged Kaito in an effort to make him shut up. He saw Maki, blinked twice, and closed his mouth. I, of course, immediately made note of the crossbow she brought.

She started the conversation off warmly. "I thought I told you to come alone."

"There's no way I'm meeting with a trained assassin, in a killing game, alone. I'm not this idiot." I stuck my thumb out at Kaito.

"Why did you bring him?"

"Hey!" Kaito interrupted. "Don't talk about me like I'm not here!"

I smirked. "The idiot seems to care about you. He wouldn't want you to die from an execution if you decide to kill me."

Maki glared at me. "Manipulative little..."

"Hey. You asked me to come here. Not my fault."

"Tch. Asshole." She readied her crossbow. "You forgot that he would be on my side if I did kill you."

"And you're willing to risk it?"

"H-Hold on!" Kaito shouted. "Maybe we could-"

She shot her crossbow. I used my arms as a shield, and the arrow landed in my left forearm. 

"Ac- Fuck-" I muttered. I immediately realized that this arrow was anything but normal. It burned like hell. I slowly took the arrow out of my arm, flinching at the pain. "...Heheh..." I chuckled, just to spite her. "You're a...real pain in the ass, you know."

She pulled out another arrow, glaring at me. "I want you to tell me everything you know. Or I'll kill you."

"Pft- Ahahahah!" I laughed. "You'll probably kill me either way! You think I wouldn't notice the poison?"

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