oh well that was- fast-

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Shuichi Pov

I set Kokichi down on our bed, hoping and praying that he didn't wake up. His sleep seemed so peaceful. I guess it's a double-edged sword for him. He fell asleep standing up because of the sheer exhaustion of being so emotionally unstable during the trial, and because of that, he won't get bothered by nightmares.

Thankfully, his sleeping self fully accepted the bed. He grabbed a pillow and hugged it as I sighed in relief. After getting ready for bed, I laid down next to him. He ditched the pillow, seemingly preferring my warmth instead. I smiled as he cuddled up next to me, relaxing with a content hum. My eyes closed.

I woke up to a knock on my door. At first, I didn't do anything about it, but then I heard the doorbell ring repeatedly. 

"...mmh...huh?" My Kichi opened his eyes. 

I kissed his forehead. "I'll take care of it. You go back to sleep, okay?"

He let out a small hum. "...oki doki..."

His eyes closed. I wished I could watch him fall asleep, but the doorbell shook me out of my thoughts. I looked at the clock as I got up. It's...3:14 am.

I opened the door, rubbing my eyes at the sudden light. "What the fuck...it's like 3 in the morning..."

Kiibo stood before me. "I am well aware of that. But an important discovery has been made regarding the secret room in the library."

"...Eh? The secret room? You're bothering me at 3 am for that?"

"Please do not be upset, this cannot wait!"

"Okay, okay...just...lemmie get some coffee." I opened the door, motioning for him to come inside. I flicked on the lights, much to the surprise of the sleeping boy on our bed.

"...mmmh! Too bright!" He grabbed the covers, burying himself under them in an attempt to go back to sleep.

"I know, baby." I smiled, turning a kettle on. "But Kiibo here needs me up."

"Actually," Kiibo muttered, "I need both of you. There was a discovery, and everyone was called to gather at the girl's bathroom on the first floor."

"Is that so?" I asked, putting a newly-made cup of mocha to my lips. "And what is this discovery?"

"Himiko was investigating the bathroom, and she found a secret passage in the janitor's closet!"

I choked on my drink, making Kiibo panic. 

"Shuichi! Are you okay?"

Kokichi rose from under the covers. "Did you say...a secret passage in the j-janitor's closet?"

"Well, yes, but-"

Me and Kokichi shared a glance. This isn't good. "One moment, Kiibo. We need to discuss this."


Kiibo stepped outside, and I closed the door behind him.

I walked over to Kokichi, whining. "What the fuck...why so fucking early in the morning?"

His eyes were filled with anxiety. "I know that T-Team Danganronpa like to reuse the j-janitor closet trope, but usually the p-participants find the passage a few days from t-the fifth class trial."

I handed him a can of Creature Energy and drank the last of the coffee in my mug. 

"Eh...but you know h-how I get with this stuff..."

"Hey, if you don't want it, don't drink it. I'm mostly worried about you falling asleep on me again."

He gave me one of his adorable pouts. "Shush."

"Yes, your highness."

He opened the can and took a few sips. We got up and made sure we were presentable, then left.

When we arrived at the bathroom, we weren't surprised to learn that we were the last to arrive. I hugged Kokichi from behind, yawning as I buried my head into his neck.

"Ugh...why'd you guys have to wake us up so fucking eeearrrrllyyyyy..." I muttered.

"D-Do you want a sip of this?" Kokichi smiled, offering me his Creature Energy. I gladly took a sip, then gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"We're here because of this!" Himiko replied, opening the janitor closet door and pushing against the wall, revealing the secret passage. 

"Oh, is that all?" I mumbled, my tired state getting the best of me.

Kiibo stared. "This is a serious situation!" 

I yawned again. "Of course, of course."

"Sorry." My Kichi started. "He gets a bit c-cranky when he's tired, eheheh..."

"Let's just explore the secret place already so I can go back to sleep!" I whined, my grip on Kokichi tightening.

The other three ignored me, and we began our descent.

Another short chapter ik. I'm on vacation rn, so updates will be a lot slower. 

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