Sit-ups and Small Talk

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TW: Philosophical topics that get WAY too deep.

[Maki's Pov]

I stood outside of Shuichi and Kokichi's dorm. Kaito decided to join me when inviting him, which only made me flustered. He's such an idiot. Why do you do this to me? 

Shuichi opened the door. He had replaced his button up with a plain white tee.

"So...working out. I assume we don't do that here." 

"Yeah, follow us." I said. I lead the boys to our usual spot.

"Okay, give me 100 sit-ups!" Kaito demanded.

"It's been a while since I worked out, so go easy on me." Shuichi said.

Shuichi was surprisingly fast. I still left him in the dust, but he was faster than usual. Kaito, being as lazy as he is, sat in the field, commentating on the stars and the universe.

"You know, the world is so large. But the universe is so much bigger."

"Hey Kaito?" Shuichi asked. "Do you ever get the feeling that nothing matters?" 

"What do you mean by that?" Kaito asked, confused.

"Like, you can do anything because you will never affect the world significantly. You can make as much money as you want, get into as many history textbooks as possible. Cause it'll all burn up when the sun explodes. If humanity survives that long, that is. Looking at the big picture, nothing matters. You can live however you want because we will all die. This world WILL die, so it doesn't matter all that much. You can kill yourself because everyone around you will die anyway. Death doesn't care about your feelings. Therefore, you can live and die however you want because nothing matters."

Me and Kaito exchanged worried expressions. Kaito looked at him. "Um, Shuichi? Are you good?"

"Hmm? Yeah, I'm good. Oh, and while you're thinking about that..." Shuichi sat up. "Do your one hundred sit-ups, lazy philosophical wannabe."

The funny part was Kaitos' expression. He looked like he was actually questioning his existence. I couldn't help laughing at his expense. Shuichi joined in.

"...Hey! Don't laugh at me!" He said, to no avail. "Did you say all that just to make a joke?"

"Hmm, maybe~" Shuichi said, dragging out the 'ay' sound. "Do you talk about the universe just to skip out of sit-ups?"

"I'm already strong enough, so my workout is mental!" 

"Well then, I guess I helped you work out! After all, I'm not wrong." Shuichi said, his expression turning into a twisted smile. "I just pointed out what cowards like you have lurking in the back of their heads. The thing that they choose to ignore to keep a sound mentality." He covered his mouth like he was holding back a laugh, saying it like sanity is something that only cowards need.

"Um, can we change the subject?" I ask quietly, being ignored.

"I am not a coward! I can think about that type of stuff!"

"Then do it. Think reeeeeal hard. By tomorrow, I want a rebuttal. Consider this an extended mental workout. And if you find a rebuttal, one that I cannot refuse, than consider me wrong."

"...And if he doesn't?" I ask.

"Then he has to admit that I'm right!" Shuichi said, standing up. "I'll be waiting. Seeya!" He announced, heading to the dorms. 

Silence. For a whole minute, Kaito was silent.

"What the hell just happened?" Kaito asked me, still staring at the spot that Shuichi sat.

"I'm not sure, but I think you just got assigned mental homework." I said. He looked at me, with that same mid-life-crisis expression.

 He looked at me, with that same mid-life-crisis expression

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~*Authors Note*~

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~*Authors Note*~

Kaito having a mid-life crisis gives me life. I'm sorry hope fanatics, but the peak, the TOP TIER of Dangonronpa, is the characters having a mid-life crisis during the trials. Or even during the free time events. Have you SEEN Shuichi's sprite?


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The fuck is this???????

Anyway, thanks for reading!


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