Trial time, babiiiiii

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Tw: gore, trial babiiiiii, sadness, death


We gathered around the fountain in the courtyard. Why there exactly, I had no idea.

"Hey, Kichi. Watch this." Shitichi pointed at the statue with his arm around Kokichi. 'That's so fucking cute. Why can't me and Kaede be like that?'

Suddenly, the statue moved. An elevator rose out of the fountain.

"Woah! How the fuck did they do that? I wanna see the blueprints!" I squealed. I like to do that. It makes me seem like I don't care about anything. I can almost convince myself that I'm brave. Almost.

Of course, I was ignored. We stepped into the elevator, the doors closing behind us. I noticed that Kokichi was squeezing Shuichi's hand. He was closing his eyes. Shuichi squeezed back, a small smile showing. 'I AM NOT JEALOUS. NOPE.'

I looked at Kaede. She looked kinda...scared. 'That's not the Kaede I know. What's going on?'

"Kaede?" I whispered. "You okay?"

"Hmm? Yea, I'm fine." 'She's distracted. That's new.'

I looked at her, worried. "Okay... if you say so."

The doors opened up. After Monokuma had us stand at our podiums, he explained how the class trial worked. 

"So. Let's start with what we know." Shuichi started the class trial. 


"No one? Really? Okay, alibis. What were you doing at 9 PM?"

"I was in my room." -Ryoma.

"I was with Himiko in the AV room!" -Tenko, confirmed by Himiko.

"I was with Maki-Roll and Shuichi." -Kaito, confirmed by Maki and Shuichi.

"Gonta was collecting bugs with Tojo-San." -Gonta, confirmed by Kirumi.

"I was praying to Atua! Shinguji-Kun was watching!" Angie, confirmed by Korekiyo.

"I was in my room." -Kokichi

"Miu was doing a maintenance check on me." -K1-B0, confirmed by Miu (me)

"Me and Mius trap has a reciever that we took shifts watching. I was on my shift in Classroom B-1." -Kaede

"I was working on cosplay in my room. Though, I did leave briefly to use the bathroom." - Tsmugi

"Okay. So those who's alibi can be questioned are: Tsmugi, Kaede, Kokichi, and Ryoma." Shuichi said.

"Wait, Shuichi." Kiibo asked. "How do you know the time frame?"

"The blood was dry."

"...Well, yes, but... How do you know it happened at 9?"

"*sigh*" Shuichi brought out a laminated chart. "According to this chart, the blood was dry enough to be from 11 to 9 hours before I discovered the body. That means 9pm to 11pm last night. And since it was almost nighttime,  I assumed the murder happened at 9. If you need alibis for 11pm, then we can state them."

"Wait, Shuichi." Korekiyo said. "You discovered the body, am I correct? How do we know you didn't dry the blood when you found it?"

Shuichi's podium moved forward. " do I explain this to you...I didn't?"

"H-He couldn't have." Kokichi spoke up. His podium met Shuichi's. "Miu, the trap. The p-pictures. Can I s-see them?"

"Sure, gremlin." I said, passing them.

He flinched at the nickname, but regained his posture quickly. "A-As you can see from t-these pictures, h-he had neither the m-materials nor the t-time to dry the b-blood. Therefore, h-he couldn't have."

"Awww, Kichi defended me! I'm so honored!" Shuichi teased.

"S-Shush." Kokichi responded, blush dusting his cheeks. Both of their podiums moved back into position.

"Have you two done this before?" Kaito asked. He was met with a strange silence. Kokichi looked down, while Shuichi smiled at Kaito. I noticed that they were -gasp- h*lding h*nds. Their podiums were right beside each other, as requested by Shuichi.

After a while, Shuichi stated, "You could say that we've had some practice. Right, Kichi?" 'Kichi' nodded.

"Kichi?" Kiiboi asked.

"Practice?" Maki asked.

"I said what I said." Shuichi said. "Anyway, alibis! Ryoma, do you have any validation?"

"Hmm. I share a room with Kirumi. She left around 9 to help Gonta and came back at 10. I was still there. And even so, the pictures would have shown if I went into the library. So does that help?"

"I'm not so sure... you are the ultimate tennis pro. You could have hit the ball through the door near the AV room." 

"That's a good point. But no, I didn't. I believe that Tenko mentioned that she and Himiko were in the AV room. They would have saw me."

"Yea! I would see him. I can smell degenerates from miles away!"

"Nyeh.. yea."

"Well that clears Ryoma. So the only entrance that could be used would be the vent that connects to Classroom B. Explain yourself, Kaede." Shuichi said, his tone serious.


"Huh? Wait, no no no no no. Hold up, fuckaroo. You mean to tell me that Kaede,  FUCKING KAEDE, murdered Rantarhoe?" I interrupted. "This bitch, piano freak, ultimate penis, murderer?"

"...You catch on fast, Shuichi. Yep, I did it." Kaede said, a guilty smile showing.

"Hold on, wait, no! Please don't tell me... Kaede... wait!" I screamed. But monokuma had already put up the votes. I decided, fuck you Succi, I voted for him.

"The votes are in....majority vote for Kaede Akamastu! Miu, you're on thin ice, voting for Shuichi. But, anyway. Let's give it everything we've got! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITS PUNISHMENT TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME!"

I watched in horror as Kaede, my lover, was dragged by the neck to a large piano. I turned away, not wanting to see her die. When I turned, I was surprised by what I saw.

Kokichi was holding on to Shuichi, crying. Shuichi was watching Kaede with ...interest? Amusement? I couldn't tell. All I knew was that he was smiling like a mental patient. 

"Why..." I asked him after the execution. "...Why.. would you smile?"

"Can't hear you." Shuichi mouthed, pointing to the boy in his arms. "Hey, Kichi. Let's go to the dorms, okay?" He whispered. I watched as he picked Kokichi up, bridal style, and carried him to the elevator. Kokichi was still crying, but it was a bit quieter. 

Authors Note


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