They want answers

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[Shuichi's Pov]

I walked to the cafeteria. The map on my Monopad was really useful, because now I didn't have to talk to the other students. When I got there, I was met by Kirumi, Gonta, Kaito, and Maki.

"Hey, sid-oof!" Kaito started to say something, but he was elbowed in the chest by Maki. "I mean, hey Shuichi!" 

"Oh, hey." I said, my cold tone intentional.

I didn't want to stay too long, so I just went in the kitchen. I had grabbed a large bag earlier, and I began to fill the bag with essentials. Kokichi's favorite soda was in the fridge, so I grabbed that two. 

I then attempted to leave the kitchen, but I was blocked by the one and only Kaito Momota. I read the accounts my previous self had written about the students. I honestly don't see what I was thinking, hanging out with this dumbass. 

"Excuse me." I said, trying to move past him. He, once again, blocked me. Wow, is he trying to get on my nerves?

I looked him dead in the eyes. "Do I need to rephrase? Get the hell out of my way." I told him.

"Shuichi?" He said, apparently surprised. "Why are you so mad?" He asked, looking like he genuinely didn't know. "I just want to talk."

"And I don't. I have somewhere to be, so move." 

"Shuichi?" I heard Kirumi ask. "He just wants to know more about this situation, and you seem to know more than you let on. Please, do not get upset." She asked gently.

"And so what if I do? If I don't want to tell you, I don't have to. Sorry, mom friend, you can't make me talk." I stated simply. 

"Shuichi...please." Maki even joined in.

"Wow, everyone is so desperate for answers. But maybe later, I have to get these back to my dorm." I said, lifting the bag as I spoke.

"Well, you could have just said that!" Kaito said. I didn't even bother to explain that, no shit, I had the bag the whole time. He moved out of the way, and I walked on. 

I put my earbuds in as I walked.  For some reason, I got the feeling I was being watched. Knowing this, I walked on, singing just loud enough for them to hear me. I knew that by doing this, whoever they are will find me somewhat sadistic and leave me alone.

[Rantaro's Pov]

"Now, shut your dirty mouth~ 

If I could burn this town, I wouldn't hesitate~ 

To smile while you suffocate

And die~ 

And that would be just fine~

And what a lovely time, that it would surely be~

So bite your tong, and

Choke. Your. Self! 

To sleep~"

I heard his melody. I know that music choices don't often describe character, but when he sang it, it sounded so... right. And so wrong at the same time. Both the lyrics and how it fit the new Shuichi disturbed me. I didn't follow him anymore.

~*Author's Note*~

If you don't recognize that I'm sad now. Sadness go brr


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