mstermnd reveal

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Third person POV

"That's right! I may be the mastermind, but the real mastermind is...the people of the outside world!" Tsumugi shouted. "Or rather, those who came from the outside world... Shuichi Saihara and Kokichi Ouma!"

All eyes turned to the two lovers.

"...Shuichi?" Kiibo muttered in shock. "Kokichi? Is that...true?"

The two looked at each other. 

"I mean..." Shuichi put his hand up, tilting it sideways in a so-so manner. 

Kokichi got a kick out of that. "Pft- Well...k-kinda? I mean, we kinda are...b-but we really couldn't have done this...without you guys. So, i-in a way...yes and no?"

"Yea, that pretty much sums it up."

Himiko stared at them. "What...what do you mean by that?"

"What my beloved Kichi you guys kinda auditioned for the show there's that."

"A-Auditioned?!" Kiibo exclaimed.

Himiko gasped. "Why would we do that?!"

The lovers glanced at her, looked at each other, and started laughing. They laughed, and laughed, and laughed some more. Their laughs slowly turned from mocking to maddeningly insidious, as if they were looking down on the group of ultimates like they were fools. The swirling mixture of sadism and masochism in their eyes couldn't be mistaken for anything else.

"Gee, "Why would we do that?!"" Shuichi mocked. "I don't know! Look at me! I'm a big fucking idiot! Whoopdie-do!" 

Kokichi couldn't help but lean against his pedestal, choking on the sick laughter coming out of his throat. He caught his breath, and replied. "I don't know w-why, but when Danganronpa characters say that after t-the big realization, it's always so funny."

"It's because it's fucking hilarious, babe."

"Well, yeah. T-That would make sense."

"Are you...mocking us?" Himiko asked.

Shuichi stared at her, dumbfounded. "How the fuck did you not get immediately-... You know, sometimes I look at people like you and think, yeah, there is no god." He muttered. He was almost drowned out by Kokichi, who continued to laugh, this time at Himiko's stupidity.

"This is serious!" Kiibo yelled. "Why would we audition for this?!"

"Hmm...How should I put this..." Shuichi pondered.

"Oh, I-I know!" Kokichi interjected Shuichi, who didn't seem to mind. "The outside world i-is so painstakingly boring, so awful and f-filled with mundanity, that everyone -including yourselves- has b-become so mentally depraved t-that they needed this show to survive their e-everyday lives!"

"That kinda sums it up, yeah." Shuichi agreed. "Everything is so boring in our culture. Things that usually give us purpose, like organized religion, celebrities, wars, good causes, all those things have lost their meaning in our peaceful yet boring world. It's so hard for a working person not to kill themselves. A few years ago, that was actually a problem. Ordinary, working class people were killing themselves out of sheer boredom. They hated their mundane, struggle-filled lives. This show was created to kind of...satiate that need for a purpose. Especially for teens."

"This show was satiate...boredom?" Kiibo asked.

"Yeah, pretty much. Everyone loves this show, this universe, everything! We love Danganronpa! We need Danganronpa to continue so that we have a purpose in life! Danganronpa is everything! Ahahah~!"

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