Are we gonna miss her? Are you sure?

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[Miu's Pov]

A few days had passed since me, Maki, Keebo, and Kaito met up. I had just finished some inventions, the blueprints of which had appeared on my desk.

 At first, I didn't want to build them. They were from an anonymous sorce, and I didn't trust it. But upon closer inspection, the inventions were intriguing. One was in the shape of a mallet, the other seemed to be a bomb of some type. They would be used only to disable electronics, so it was mostly safe.

I put down the last of three Electrobombs (I came up with the name myself) and brought my attention to the Virtual World I was working on. I could use escape. The thought of it was almost to good to be true.

And I knew exactly who I would end to do so.

[Kokichi's Pov]

Miu had announced that she was finished with something really cool, and wanted everyone to come see. She asked for me to do something, privately. I was unsure, so I took my concerns to my (unofficial) boyfriend.

"Miu i-invited me to t-the roof in the Virtual W-World. Alone." I told Shuichi.

"Hmm." He seemed to consider what that ment. "For some reason, I don't really think she has good intentions."

"I a-agree. I'm scared, S-Shuichi..."

"It's okay to be scared." He put his hand on my shoulder reasuringly.

"...Do y-you think you c-could go instead o-of me? I have a-a feeling she might n-not be expecting you, so she m-might not try a-anything."

"Of course!" He said with a smile. I smiled back, silently thanking him. We headed to the place she told us to meet.

"This is the Virtual World! It's not exactly a world, per say, but it's pretty close

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"This is the Virtual World! It's not exactly a world, per say, but it's pretty close. I want to try it out with all of you!" She exclaimed.

"Hmm...Is it dangerous?" Shuichi said, inspecting the giant machine in the center of the room. 

"Only if used for danger." Miu responded. She glanced at me with pity. Lately, for some reason, I had been getting pitiful looks from the others. It's as if they found out something bad about me...

"...That's a rather vague answer." Shuichi said.

"Well, it's not any less dangerous than real life. So, there's that."

"...I'll take that."

Miu explained how to set up the Virtual World headset. We logged in, adorable avatars and all. 

All the rules of the virtual world were explained to us in the Mansion. Then, we made our way to the chapel. Miu explained there that the "secret of the outside world" was hidden in the Virtual world. We would split up in teams to find said secret. Me, Kaito, Shuichi, Gonta, and Tsumugi would investigate the Mansion, while Miu, Kiibo, Maki and Himiko would investigate the Chapel.

"H-Hey Miu?" I asked in the Chapel after she explained what we were here for.

"Yea, twerp?"

"...We're meeting on the roof, right?" I whispered.

"No shit, Kokichi!" She said, her voice just above mine.

"O-Okay, I'm just m-making sure..."

For some reason, after me, Kaito, Shuichi, Gonta, and Tsumugi made our way over the river, Miu lifted the board we used to get across. I was relieved for a second, because then she would have no way of getting across. But then I realised, duh, she programmed the world. She would have some sort of secret passage somewhere. So I wasn't out of the clear yet.

"Hey, Kokichi?" Shuichi asked me.

"W-What is it, Shuichi?"

"Can you investigate the kitchen?"

"Huh? W-Why?"

He lowered his voice. "I know you'll be safe in the kitchen. Tsumugi will be in the dining room, so if anyone tries to hurt you, she'll be there."

I nodded. We knew Tsumugi's little secret (we simply had to watch season 52), so we knew that she wouldn't hurt me. I headed to kitchen.

"L-Let's see, it has to be here s-somewhere.." I mumbled, hoping that it wasn't. I didn't want to find it, to subject everyone to the horrible lie Danganronpa always implements.

After a few minutes, I had found nothing. I decided to talk to Tsumugi for a bit, to see if she found anything.

"H-Hey, Tsumugi. Have you-"


"Oh!" We heard Kiibo's voice coming from outside.

"W-What was that!?" I exclaimed.

"I'm not sure, Kokichi. It came from outside, but I don't see anything from the window."

"...S-Should we go i-investigate?"

"Maybe we should go to the Chapel, to see if Kiibo is there."


On our way out of the Mansion, we ran into Gonta. He accompanied us on our way to the bridge.

"Hey!" Kiibo shouted at us from the other side of the bridge. "We need to get to the Chapel! What happened to the sign?"

 "Kiibo! Miu dropped the sign, so we can't get across." Tsumugi responded.

I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see Shuichi, looking slightly confused. "Hey, why are we all over here?"

 "We were h-headed to chapel, but w-we can't find the s-sign." I explained.  

"Oh, that? It's over here."

Seeing our confusion, he said, "Come on, follow me." and then walked over to the bottom of the river. We followed him, seeing no other option. There, stuck on a boulder, was the sign.

"How did that get there?" Tsumugi asked.

Shuichi shrugged. "Gonta, can you pick it up?"

"Gonta can! Gonta is gentleman." He said, lifting the sign.

We made our way back, and Gonta placed the sign.

"We have to log out. Now." Maki said. "No time to explain."

"Uhh, sure?" Shuichi said. He doesn't quite like being told to do.

We headed to the Mansion, where we all logged out. There, we saw

Miu Iruma, the ultimate Inventor, clinging on to her neck as she were being strangled.

Author's note


But fr, #5 in saiouma? #7 in oumasai? #2 IN KOKICHIOUMA???

you guys are amazing, thank you so much

My dog, Ariel, died Monday, March 4th. It's been pretty hard on my family. She was eleven years old. So thank you all for supporting me, you make my everyday feel much better.


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