Panta and Kisses

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TW: Gay, Saihorny and Cockblocking

[Kokichi's Pov]

I was listening to music and drawing on the bed. 

 I heard the door open. 

"Kokichi, I'm back! Guess what I brought?" I heard Shuichi say.

"I-I'm not sure... Panta?"

"You're right! I had to get your favorite soda. I just can't believe they had it!" He exclaimed.

"That's g-great. T-Thank you, Saihara."

"You know, you can call me Shuichi."

"O-Okay Sai- I mean S-Shuichi."

He smiled when I used his first name. I blushed slightly.

He walked over to the kitchen island, setting the bag down. We began to put the food in the corresponding places, but we soon realized that Shuichi had brought too much, so we had to cram some things in various cabinets. When we finished, the only thing that sat on the island was the 12-pack of Panta. 

"Do you want one?" Shuichi asked me.

"Um, I'm n-not sure if I should. D-Don't get me w-wrong, I love Panta. B-But the carbonation i-isn't exactly healthy." I noted.

"Hmm..." He seemed... dissatisfied with the answer. He opened a can and took a drink. I barely noticed that he didn't swallow before he cupped my face in his hands, bringing it closer to his. I blushed intensely. 

"Shuichi?" I asked. He stared into my eyes, as if waiting for me to protest, before pressing his lips against mine. After a second, I kissed back. He somehow parted my mouth enough to slip the Panta in, then he pulled away. I swallowed the caffeinated drink before blushing even more.

"I-um I-" Atua help me, I'm such a mess. I couldn't manage to get a proper sentence out!

Shuichi hands rested on my cheeks, his thumb rubbing under my eyes. He gave me a warm smile. It felt like I was melting. I could have been stabbed at that moment and I wouldn't have noticed. But wait, there's more!

He slid one of his hands up and down my arm. He lifts my chin, and begins to kiss my neck. I let out a small whimper before blushing more than I thought was humanly possible. He mercilessly continued, then he moved his hand from my arm to my hip. 

"Do you want to continue?" He whispered in my ear, sending a shiver through me. 

"I...if you want to, the-"


"Hey, Shuichi! You in there, Sidekick?"

"Cockblocker..." Shuichi mumbled. He backs up. "Yeah, gimmie a sec!" He yelled at the door. "We'll continue this later~" He whispered with a wink.

I sat on the bed, trying to process what the fuck just happened. 

[Shuichi's Pov]

Dammit, I was just getting to the good part! 

I open the door, greeting Kaito with a friendly "What do you need, idiot?"

"Hey, I'm not-"

"We would like to invite you to training." Maki saved me from Kaitos rant.

"Hmm, I guess. What time?"

"We usually start at nine, so now."

Wait, it's nine? I checked the time, and sure enough, it was 9 PM. 

"Gimmie a sec." I closed the door.

"Hey, Kichi." I leaned into the smaller boy. "I'm going to go work out with some of our peers. Stay inside, kay? Lock the door. I'll bring the key with me so that I can get in." He nodded, still blushing from earlier. I gave him a small kiss, then I took off my white button up, slipping on a more comfortable white tee. I then left the room, off to work out.

~*Authors Note*~

Muahahaha, I'm evil >:3 Saihorny go brr

Love all around, 


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