Snap crackle pop (The sound my sanity made when you said that)

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The trial ended. Suprise, suprise, Korekiyo Shinguji was found guilty. 

Once again, during the execution, I saw Shuichi protecting Kokichi's eyes, while smiling sadistically. He covered his mouth, perhaps to keep in a laugh. He looked like he was enjoying seeing Korekiyo being boiled alive.

But this time, when I scanned everyone's faces, I realized that Maki was also looking at Shuichi. We locked eyes, nodding. 

Almost everyone had left the courtyard. I was about to leave, when I saw Maki almost dissapear. She moved so quick, I couldn't keep up with her. The next thing I knew, Shuichi was being lifted into the air.

"You have a lot of explaining to do. Why are you so suspicious all the time? What are your secrets? Why do you smile during the executions?" She demanded answers from him.

"I...don't know...what you're talking...about." Shuichi said, his voice very quiet. He struggled against Maki, to no avail.

"H-Hey, Maki? Can y-you please put S-Shuichi down?" Kokichi asked quietly. He didn't seem to be heard.

"Why you insist on never telling us anything? Do you not trust us? Why can't you-"

"Assassin." Shuichi spat out.

Maki looked shocked. "Wha- What did you say?"

"That's...your ultimate...isn't it? Maki Harukawa...Ultimate Assassin...*cough*"

It was my turn to be shocked. Ultimate Assassin? "Hold on a fucking minute-"

"How. How did you know?" Maki almost shouted.

"That's...for know, and... you to figure out." Shuichi said, raising his voice.

"H-Hey, can we please just c-calm-" I cut Kokichi off, not that I noticed that he was still there.

"Hold on a second, Maki what the hell?" I got no response.

"Tell me, dammit!" 

"You can...choke the fucking...answer out...of my dead...body"

"Maybe I will! Just let me know what's going on in your stupid head!"

"...What did you say?" Shuichi actually looked...frightened. He wasn't looking at Maki though. 


"Maki, put me down. Put me down now. Please, just put me down. Trust me on this one." He said, struggling even more. He was pleading right now. He kept looking past Maki, which made her turn just in time to see-


Maki was knocked over, bringing Shuichi down with her. I stood there, surprised. 

Kokichi had just tackled Maki, looking almost homicidal.

"I won't...I won't let you...I won't I won't I won't I won't I won't I won't I won't I won't I WON'TI WON'TI WON'TI WON'TI WON'TI WON'T I WON'T I WON'T I WON'T I WON'T" He said, breathlessly. He reached into his pocket, bringing out a pocket knife. "I WON'T LET YOU."

He raised his knife, about to go for the kill. But before he could, Shuichi grabbed him from behind. He wresteld the knife from Kokichi, who protested strongly.

"I WON'T LET HER. I WON'T!" He shouted.

Shuichi closed the pocket knife, then tossed it away. He held onto Kokichi, his tone sad and kind. "I know, Kokichi. I know."

I helped Maki up. We were both pretty shaken. 

" he..." Maki started. Apparently, Kokichi had knocked the breath out of her.

"I-" Shuichi glared me, which promptly shut me up. I grabbed Maki by the arm. "Come on." I whispered.

We left the courtyard, and went to my lab. 

Author's Note

I would have killed Maki, but she's important. Ish.


Pregame Saiouma/Oumasai DRV3حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن