I broke it. It burned my hand, so I punched it.

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[Maki Pov]

"Lets get back on track..." Tsumugi requested. "I know that Kokichi didn't leave the kitchen, so he couldn't have gone to the roof."

"So...if Kokichi didn't go to the roof, who did?" Kaito started.

We all went silent.

I chimed in. "The only people without alibis are Gonta and Shuichi."

"Gonta...doesn't remember vir-two-al world.." Gonta stated.

"Thats...odd." Kiibo said.

"...I-Is it possible t-that Gonta...switched t-the memory a-and conciousness c-cords?" Kokichi asked.

"He did seem to be struggling with them..." Shuichi said.

"Nyeh, I think it's safe to assume that he did." Himiko said.

I noticed that Kokichi was stuttering more than often. He seemed to be shaking a lot.

"Kokichi...why do you look so nervous?" I asked him.

The others seemed to notice his shaking, and started to ask him about it, but they were immediately cut off by Shuichi.

"Hey, you guys are obviously not helping him!" He said, raising his voice. "You shouldn't back Kichi into a corner like that!"

"...No...I-It's fine, Shuichi...T-They just want t-to know..." Kokichi spoke up as tears seemed to form.

"...Are you okay?" Shuichi took Kokichi's hand, his voice barely above a whisper.

"...I...will b-be fine..."

Shuichi looked at Kokichi, obviously worried.

"Going back to my original question, if Kokichi didn't go to the roof, then why is Miu dead right now?" Kaito asked.

"...I believe I can solve this quickly." Shuichi spoke up.

"Oh?" Kiibo asked.

"Me and Kokichi's avatars were modified. Neither of us could have touched Miu, or we would have been paralyzed."

"...That's right." I looked at Kiibo in surprise. "Miu altered their characters. Me and Kokichi were looking at the code for the computer."

"So that leaves two possibilities. Either it's Kaito, or it's Gonta." Shuichi said. He seemed to be...bored at that point.

"How can you say that, Shuichi?" Tsumugi asked, obviously shocked.

"Like...this!" He said, pointing to his mouth in a sarcastic manner. "Congratulations, you know basic human interaction!"

"Wait, Shuichi. Something has been...bothering me." I started.

"Well? One word at a time, please." 

"...How did you know that Miu changed your avatars if you weren't in Kokichi and Kiibo's conversation?"

"...Hmm?" He faltered for a second.

"That is odd, we never told you about the frozen avatars..." Kiibo added.

"Yea, how did you figure that out?" Kaito asked.

"Oh, so now you guys are cornering me? God, you people are so brash!" Shuichi continued to be sarcastic.

"You are avoiding the question." I said.

"Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiineeeeee! You guys are so fucking pushy." He sighed. "I went to the roof, not Kokichi. Miu told me about the avatars."

"...Huh? You mean to tell me-" Kaito was cut off.

"Then how are you alive right now, if we know you couldn't have touched Miu?"

"Well.....I kinda sorta commisioned Gonta to kill her before she killed me. Whoops." 


"What the HELL MAN?!" Kaito practically exploded on Shuichi. "Why would you ever do that?!"

"Why would you use Gonta like that?" Tsumugi asked.

"How dare you use Gonta!" Himiko added. 

"...Shuichi. What the hell." I chimed in.

"Oh, come ooooon! She had the power to kill two people, and you guys would be none the wiser! I was protecting everyone!"

"Sure thing, Shuichi. You fucking orchestrated Miu's death to protect everyone. You could have just avoided the roof alltogether, but you went out of your way to directly cause her death. To protect everyone. Yea." I said.

"...Heh." Out of nowhere, Shuichi started to laugh like a madman. He was practically wheezing at this point. 

"Hahahahahahahahahahhaahahahhah! Oh, you are funny! Ignorant and annoying, yes, but funny!" Once he calmed down, he continued. 

"So, let's think about it like this: I avoid the roof. What's stopping Miu from simply walking into the salon, hitting me with her hammer, and leaving? She could have even left the virtual world, killed someone outside, and came back in, and you guys wouldn't know. She was at a clear advantage while we were logged in. I simply deprived her of that advantage."

"...By killing her?"

"I didn't kill her. Gonta did. Besides, don't you get it? This is a kill or be killed world. It's a sad rule, but I didn't make it."

I looked around the room. This is ridiculous!

"I...I can't believe you." Kaito said. "I thought you were my sidekick, Shuichi."

Shuichi visibly cringed. "You say that like that's a favorable position. Living under you, as your sidekick, sounds like pure torture. How do you do it, Maki?"

"You little-"

"Let's vote already. We know who killed Miu."

"Wait! We still need to hear from Gonta himself!" Himiko said.

"Gonta...does not remember..."

"Oh, here! I've got it!" Monokuma pulled out a small computer. He slammed on the keys for a few seconds. He brought up a screen with Gonta's avatar. "This should have his memories. Ask away!"

"Hey Gonta. Sad news, it didn't work." Shuichi said.

"O-Oh..." Gonta's avatar looked distressed.

"...Did Gonta really kill Miu?" Gonta asked himself.

"Y-Yes...Gonta did kill Miu..."

"...Why? Why would you kill her?" Tsumugi asked in desperation.

"Because...of secret of outside. Gonta saw...sad things."

"Yeah, me and Gonta both saw the secret of the outside world." Shuichi frowned, seemingly dissatisfied.

"You didn't say anything about that." I said.

"Cause I didn't need to. Anyway, he decided that it would be better to kill everyone, sorta like a mercy kill. Which was convinient for me, because I knew Miu was coming after me and Kichi."

"... So you worked together?" 

"Yes...Shuchi and Gonta were working together..." Gonta replied.

"Let's just...vote already." Shuichi said. He didn't seem sad, just dissapointed.

We all silently voted. Gonta Gokuhara was found guilty. 

We all stood there, watching. Everyone except Kokichi, who was just staring at the ground. After the execution, I asked him if he was okay. He didn't respond.

Shuichi also noticed this immedieatly. He left the trial room without a word, picking up his panicked lover. 

We all left that day, exhausted.  

Authors Note

Thanks for reading! I am sleepi


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