Pianos and Socializing

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Tw: socializing EW,  social anxiety, 

[Kokichi's pov]

'I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.'

I gripped Shuichi's hand, repeating that simple mantra in my head. He looked at me with a smile. 

He opened the door, and we walked into the dining hall. Most of my classmates looked surprised to see me, which did NOT help.

"Nyahahah! Atua told me you would be here today!" I jumped at the sudden noise. 'It's just, um, what's her name? Annie? No, Angie.' Angie was approaching. 

"Hey, Angie r-right?" I tried.

"Nyahahah!" She said, before she sat back down, next to mage girl....'um, Himiko, yeah.'

Me and Shuichi sat down, away from everyone else.

"W-Why am I always s-so nervous.." I belittled myself quietly.

"Hey, you're doing great." Shuichi said, squeezing my hand reassuringly. I returned his smile.

Kirumi came over with two bowls of miso soup and rice. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Kirumi!" Shuichi responded.

"Good m-morning, Mrs. Kirumi."

She nodded, then gave the others their food.

I felt everyone staring at me. I ate a little, then just stared at my miso soup. I kept thinking about the possibility that maybe, just maybe, everyone hated my guts and wanted me dead.

What if they were looking for a way to kill you?

They don't even know me!

Well, yea, but WHAT IF??? They have their reasons to escape, so what if??

...You got me there-

"Kiichiiii? Hey, Kichi!"

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Hmm?"

"Did you space out again?" Shuichi asked me.

"Uhh.. maybe? I-I guess.."

"Hmm.. Well, Maki and Kaito wanted to join us. Are you okay with that?"

Wow. I didn't even notice the two standing near the table. I nodded a yes, hoping that I didn't space out for too long. 

"It's n-nice to meet y-you, umm, Kaito?" I can't remember for shit.

"It's, uh, nice to meet you too!" He said with a goofy smile. 

Maki, I think, propmty face-palmed. "Don't mind him. Anyway, how are you adjusting?" 

"Um, pretty w-well."

"Thats good. What about you Shuichi?"

They continued their small talk, but I wasn't listening. I went over to the kitchen area and handed Kirumi my unfinished soup.

"Was it not to your liking?"

"N-No! I'm just not all that h-hungry. It was v-very good."

"Alright. Please, tell me if you need anything."

"O-Of course!"

I turned around to see Shuichi standing next to me. "Not hungry?"


"Hmm. Okay. You wanna go to the dorms, or look around?"

"Let's l-look around."

*time skip, brought to you by Ouma the Explorer(to the tune of dora the explorer bc same height fuckin shorty ha couldn't be my 4'10 ass-*

We came across a strange room. It looked like it had piano keys painted on the door. 

"Is this Kaede's ultimate lab?" Shuichi asked.

"I-It certainly looks l-like it." I said, opening the door.

I stepped into the room to see a large piano, music sheets thrown about, and CD's lining the walls. I skimmed through the papers on the floor, trying to find one I reconize, but it might as well been trying to read another language. 

I heard a small click, and some music started playing. I stood up, looking to the corner of the room. Shuichi, being the hopless twink he is, had popped a CD in a CD player, and was approaching.

"Care to dance, my lady?"

"Pft, s-shut up!" I said. I took his hand, blushing too much.

I didn't know what song he chose, but it had a nice, slow beat. The dance was awkward at first, but I got comfortable after a while.

"What song did y-you pick?" I asked, trying to clear the tension.

"Clair de Lune."

"It has a n-nice melody."

We danced in silence for a while. It was nice. Then the nighttime announcement played, and we left. I did see a figure with long hair rushing away while we were leaving, but I dismissed it.

Authors note

I am so super sorry for the late post!! Please forgive meeeeeeeeeeee


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