Turning tables

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I was beyond paranoid as I went through the rest of my day. This week was half days so we got out of school around twelve. I was anxious to get home and away from here.

"Tabitha!" Hannah exclaimed. She was walking towards me at a hurried pace.

"What is it?" I smiled calmly.

She pulled me along with her as she managed to get out of everyone's ear shot. "Is there something you need to tell me? Because I need to hear the truth from you." Her eyes were worried as she spoke in a rush.

My tongue went dry. "Um, I don't know, do I?"

Her eyes widened a little. "Why would Claire Collins ask me if you were pregnant?!" She half whispered, half yelled.

I covered her mouth quickly, my face going red all over. "When did she ask you that?" I tried to remain calm, but I was starting to lose it.

"She sent me a text earlier. I covered your ass and told her of course not and made up some lame excuse! But I need to know now before half this damn school does if it's not even true! Tell me it's not true?!"

I pulled her even further away from the crowd, the tears threatening to betray me. "Hannah-"

"Oh my god you are!" She easily read the look on my face, the worry in my eyes.

I sniffed. "Yeah."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Her expression was a little hurt.

"I don't know! I was scared! I didn't know what to do." A tear slipped down my cheek.

"Does Josh know?" She asked sadly.

I gulped, my eyes glued to the floor as I shook my head. "I-it's not his." I admitted.

Her eyes bulged as her little face twisted up. "You cheated?!" She half shrieked.

"No! Of course not!" I cried.

Her face softened. "Then how?"

I wiped at my eyes. "It was right before we got together. I sort of...slept with someone without really thinking."

"Who?" She asked. She looked surprised and as worn out at I felt.

"I really don't want to say." I silently pleaded.

"Tabitha don't you think it's time to stop keeping secrets? I'm already offended that you didn't feel comfortable with coming to talk to me." Her dainty face was hurt, I caved immediately.

"You'll hate me Hannah." I whispered surely. She had told me herself that she was still in love with Caleb, now I was having his first baby. I'd come to think of Hannah as more then just some girl over the past few months, is come to think of her as a friend, and just any friend, a good friend. She pulled me out of my childish, shy shell, she'd turned me into a young lady, and I didn't want to hurt her.

"Oh Tabitha, I could never hate you." She said softly.

I wiped at my eyes. "When Caleb and I went to the mountains together for my birthday, we ended up sleeping together. I swear neither one of us planned it. It was a stupid mistake and we're paying for it even today still." I rushed it out as fast as I could. I really didn't want to look at her, for fear of what I might find, but I did anyway.

Her eyes were beginning to water and her face has turned a light shade of red. She clutched her purse to her chest. All she did was stare at me.

"Hannah, please, please say something." My voice broke.

She finally looked at me, blinking at the tears that were stuck in her eyes. She swallowed hard, her eyes shifting everywhere. "I um, I need...yeah." She turned on her heel as she walked away from me.

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