Chapter 22

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Mina POV

Jeongyeon send me home when he on the way to office. I didn't feel to go office today. I will just call dad. As I arrived, Chaeyoung car its not here. I guess he already go to office. I call aunty sunny to prepare a breakfast. I didn't get to eat breakfast because Jeongyeon usually didn't eat breakfast and he was late. But, aunty sunny said breakfast already prepared on the table as she came. Yes, aunty sunny just come to our house early in the morning and goes back when dawn. I walk to dining table seeing english style breakfast and a notes. Its definitely Chaeyoung. He always leave a notes. I smile seeing the notes.

- Morning princess.
I prepare a breakfast for you. Eat it if you not having breakfast yet. If not, just leave it here. Aunty sunny will clean it up. I also already told dad you wouldn't come to office today. I know you still tired. Just take a rest. I will take care your work for today. Please eat on time. I don't want you to get sick. Take care princess.

I miss his cook and I eat the breakfast. His cook never disappointed. I finish the breakfast with no time. I was hungry and its delicious. After that, go to my room and lay on the bed. I been thinking how supposed I tell Chaeyoung about Jeongyeon. I wants follow everything he wants and make Jeongyeon happy, but at same time I don't want Chaeyoung being upset. I don't know what to do. While thinking I fell asleep.

Chaeyoung POV

Today my secretary slash PA was resign because she wants to follow her future husband to oversea. She already told about it but I forget. Argh, great as soon I back to work problem comes. Jeongyeon came to my office.

"Hey bro, why your face like that? How's your holiday?" He asked me.

"Hey. Its fun. Nothing much. This face? I forget about my secretary. She resign today. I have a lot work to do. I can't manage to handle my schedule by myself." I replied.

"Oh, relax bro. I can help you. I know someone. She have experience being secretary and PA before. But because of something happen, she resign. If you want, I can introduce her to you." He said.

"Really? Can she come here today? Because if she okay and ready, I want her to start tomorrow. As soon as possible. I really have hectic schedule this month." I said.

"Of cos. I will call she to come here after lunch. It is okay?" He asked.

"That's great. Thank you so much Jeongyeon." I smile at him and he walk away from my office.

Jeongyeon POV

What a great opportunity. I smile hearing Chaeyoung complain. I told him I know someone. He agree with my suggestion. I get out from his office and call her.

"Hello bunny. I have a good news for you. I get a job for you. Can you come to my office this lunch? I want you to meet your boss after lunch." I said.

"Really Jeongyeon? Thank you babe. Your office?" She asked.

"Yes bunny. Remember I told you about our plan? Its turn out, god really wants to help us. Chaeyoung needs a secretary and pa. So, I suggest you. Now, its more easy for us to continue our plan." I replied.

"Hmm. Plan? I thought you was just joking. Are you serious wants to continue with your plan?" She asked.

"Yes bunny. I'm not joke. I told you everything. I need your help bunny. I can do it without you. You're the only one I have and believe me. So, I need your support. But if you don't want, its okay. I will find my way." I said.

"Hmm. I will tried okay. Let me get a job first. Then, we will discus again. See you later." Nayeon said and hang up.

I smirk thinking about our plan. I know Nayeon will agree with me. She will always do what I told. She is my ex. She doesn't move on from me yet. So, I use her to achieve my goal. Son Chaeyoung, get ready.

Nayeon POV

I arrived at MYOUI company. I really need a job. This is a great opportunity for me. Besides, its a same company with Jeongyeon. Yes, I know about he and Myoui Mina. But, I just can move on from him. He was my first love, my first friend in orphanage, my Yes again. I have do it with him. That't why I can't move on from him. He was my first for everything.

We broke up after he see Mina. So, I generally hate Mina because she took Jeongyeon from me. But, seeing him happy make me happy, just I can't move on from him. When we broke up, I'm depressed and because of that I lost my job at KIM company. But, I just can't hate Jeongyeon. I always beg him to come back to me. Sometimes, he come to me when he fight with Mina, when he felt lonely, sad or mad. He always told me that I'm the one who understand and support him. But I just don't get it why he never wants to leave Mina. Why he so obsess with Mina. Why can we be together.

Every time he wants something, he will come to me. By something I mean is, when he wants to have a sex. He will use me. I prefer he use me for his lust than he use anyone else. I know I'm stupid. But, I just can't resist him. I'm weak for his voice, his eyes, his word and his touch. He is my weakness. He told me, he and Mina never have sex because Mina not ready yet. I'm glad to know about that. That's why when Mina leaving him hang in, he will come to me. I also needy him as much he needy me. I will do anything for him. As long as, he happy and will come back to me. I know, he will always come back to me.

"Hey babe. How am I? Do I look okay? What if he don't like me?" I said to Jeongyeon while hugging him.

"Hey bunny. You look fine, cute and sexy ass fuck." He whisper and lick my ear.

I shivering hearing his voice and breath near my ear. This is my weakness. Yoo Jeongyeon is my weakness.

"Jeongyeon. Not now. Remember we have something to do." I tried to said in firm but its more like moan to me.

"Hmm. You're right. Lets go. We having lunch and then I will introduce you to Chaeyoung." He said and drag me to cafe.

After we having lunch, we go to Chaeyoung office. I wonder how is he. Why Jeongyeon feel so insecure toward him. He knock the door to signal we are here. I hear a voice behind the door signal we to come in.

"Hey bro. Wow, your office look mess. Have you ever get out from this office?" Jeongyeon ask the person who turned his back on us.

I didn't see his face because his back on us. But I can see how fit he is. Then he turn around to face us. Shitt. He is so handsome yet cute at same time. The glasses he was wearing make make him look mature, yet didn't cover his eyes that look shining and beautiful, his lips look full and fluffy, moles under his lips add his attraction. He looks so handsome. Now, I know why Jeongyeon feel so insecure with him.

"Hai, I'm Son Chaeyoung. Nice to meet you miss Im Nayeon." He said to me. I didn't hear Jeongyeon already introduce me to him. He reach out his hand to shake. Wow, just see his veiled hand already make me aroused.

"Hai, Im Nayeon. Nice to meet you sir." I replied and smile to him.

He smile to me showing his dimple. OMG, he also have a dimple. What a beautiful creation. Then, he signal we to take a seat. He told about his secretary and he really need someone to help him. He also reading my resume.

"I think you're suitable for this position. Do you have any condition? I would like to hired you for this position. If you agree, I will give you the contract tomorrow. Also, if you agree can you start tomorrow? As you can see, I really need someone to help me." He said and smile cutely at me. OMG, he is so cute.

"Yes yes. I accept. And yes, I can start tomorrow. Thank you sir. I will do my best." I replied.

"Chaeyoung. You can call me Chaeyoung. Thank you Miss Nayeon. And you bro, thanks to you too." He said.

"Nayeon. Just call me nayeon." I said reach out my hand to shake with him.

I guess I will carry on the plan. He's not bad.

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