Chapter 51

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Nayeon POV

I really don't want to lose Chaeyoung. Even he didn't love me, I don't care as long as he will always here for me. But, at the same time I don't want to hurt him and someone has to pay for his action. I decide to told Chaeyoung everything. I know I can trust Chaeyoung more than anyone I knew.

"Its start when I lose my family. Social worker take me to orphanage where I found my first love. He is Jeongyeon. He was my everything. He always there for me. He always take care of me and always make me feel special. He won't leave me and always protect me from the other. That's make me fall even deep for him. We move from orphanage and live together. Everything was perfect until he found a job at Son Company which is I just know that is your dad company. That's the start of turning point for his behaviour." I said smile describe Jeongyeon.

"He become someone else that I don't know. Jeongyeon who always care for me, protect me, sweet, and always make me feel special is gone. He become more grumpy, rude, and drunkard. He totally change. If I ask or speak to him about his behaviour, he will always become mad and just walk away. But even he behave like that, he never once beat or hit me. He will just walk away from that. That's make me never regret to love him. That time I was working at Kim company. His behaviour continue like that until one day he was fired from Son company. He totally breakdown that moment. As a girlfriend and best friend I always there for him. I once asked why he suddenly got fired from the company, but he just said that I will revenge. That's all. So, I don't even know what happen. I just ignored it and continue to support him. He still with his drunkard mood until I get for he a job in modelling studio. He once again become a Jeongyeon that I used to know. Until he meet Mina. Once again, I hurt seeing him with Mina. He at first lied to me about Mina, until I catch him cheating on me with Mina. I'm not mad, I'm just hurt seeing him more happy with Mina more than me and he broke up with me. At the moment, I become depress and I stop working because my condition was so bad at that time. But I never blame or mad with Jeongyeon." I said to Chaeyoung.

"So, I decide to move on from him, I moving out and find another place to stay. I need to do this for myself. But, Jeongyeon never leave me. He begging me to stay near and don't leave him. Seeing him like that make me see a hope that, he will come back to me as long he need me. So, I decide to stay near with him. Every time he stress he will come to me. Every time he need someone I will be there for him. Even every time he feel needs and frustrated because Mina never let him to touch her, I will be there for him. I know I'm a slut. But, I just can't leave him. I also need him as much he need me. The hope he will come back still here until you came in." I looking to him.

"Jeongyeon told me everything happen between you and Mina. So, back then when I meet you, I already knew about you. Its like our opportunity when you need a secretary that time. Its feel like god wants to help us with our plan. Yes, we have a plan to make you fall in love with me. Jeongyeon that time feel so much insecure to you because he know how perfect you're to Mina. Mina father never once like him even her dad never meet him. That's the most thing make he feel insecure. At first, I continue with the plan because of Jeongyeon but I don't know when I feel like I need to get your attention for myself. I want you for myself and not because of Jeongyeon anymore. I fall in love with you Chaeyoung. When you ignore me, when you always treat me, when you always told about Mina and when your protect me from other. I once again feel special. Like I said, no one once treat me like that even Jeongyeon. That time I feel ashamed with myself. I remember when you said I have to respect myself before other respect me. Its really hit me. That's make me fall deep to you." My tears start fell and he wiped it using his thumb.

"So, I decide to stop doing all our plan. I know how much you love Mina and seeing you happy make me happy. I decide to told Jeongyeon that I wants to withdraw from his plan." I start crying hard and he move closed to me and hug me.

"When I told him about my plan, that's first time I seeing him mad and he totally become another man. That's first time he bet me. He become insane. H-he ra-rape me. If before we do with love but that time he decide to rape me." I crying hard on his chest. He just stay silent and rubbed my back up and down to calm me.

"He rape me Chaeyoung. I never know the sweet, nice, lovely and good person I know for long time is gone. But, most worst he show me a video we having sex before. He secretly took a video whenever we having sex. He know about my feeling toward you and threat to show you the video. He also said that he will spread the video and threat to hurt you. I feel so stupid, I feel used, I feel like a slut, I feel angry because believe him, I feel sad because I will never have you, I feel disgusting to myself and more." I said.

"But you stay remain being you. Always there for me. Always treat me like a human. That's make me wants to be selfish for the first time. And that's lead you and Mina fight. I'm the one who take a picture when Mina and Jeongyeon going date on her birthday. I know everything the reason you take a leave. And its make me feel guilty. That's why I also book a ticket for Mina. I'm glad I'm doing the right thing that time. When, you guys was gone Jeongyeon keep coming to my house and keep doing the same thing over and over. So, I'm not even surprised when I know about my pregnancy. I just can imagine this will happen." I keep continue and Chaeyoung just remain silent listen to me.

"Until I decide to told him about the pregnancy, he don't want to take responsibility and once again he successfully make me fall to his trap. He persuade me about you. Again, I fell to my selfishness. When, we having a trip we put a drug on your drink that's why Mina having all the picture. Jeongyeon was the one who did all to the company. He using your account and your access to do it. But, before I can get the evidence he destroy all the evidence. About the DNA result, I don't know anything about it. I don't know how he manage to do it. But, seeing you so depress about losing Mina, I know I can't having you even do this all. But, I just need someone to be on my side. That's all Chaeyoung. Believe me, I have not intention to hurting you. After doing all this, I realised that happiness cannot be enjoyed by forced. Even I have you, your heart doesn't belong to me. I'm sorry Chaeyoung. That's why I decide to run away but Jeongyeon caught me and beat be like this. He threat me to harm my baby. I can't afford to losing my baby Chaeyoung. Please, do something to stop Jeongyeon. Please, don't leave me. I just need someone with me right now. Please Chaeyoung." I said begging to Chaeyoung. He just look down and stay silent.

I know he must be mad and upset with me. I don't know what to do anymore. I doesn't have anyone if he decide to leave me too. But, I know how he feel. So, I don't blame him if he doesn't want to stay or he mad at me. I understand. I just keep crying and look down. Then, he lift up my chin and smile. He hug me tight and I feel safe in his embrace.

"I will never leave you Nayeon. I will always here for you. No matter what happen. I won't judge you like once I said before. Its not you fault. I will take care both of you. So, please don't blame yourself. I'm sorry because of me you suffer. I'm really sorry. I will never let you hurt anymore. I promised." He said softly to me.

Until now, he always know what to say and always know how to melt my heart. That's why I fall deep for him. But, I know, he will never be mine. I realised it now. But, I'm thankful that he will always here for me.

"I will help you Chaeyoung. Jeongyeon have to pay for what he doing. I think I know someone can help you." I said.

"Who is it?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Its your dad." I said.

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