Chapter 2

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Chaeyoung POV

I arrive first at my restaurant. I'm so nervous but excited. I don't know if Mina like the idea of this marriage or not. But whatever her decision I will accept. Like my farther said we are still going help their company if Mina refuse to marriage. I just want the best for her.
My parent arrive with Myoui's. They sit at table that I book early. Then I walk to their table nervously.

"Haa, there he is." Dad said to Myoui.

"I'm sorry I'm late. Evening Mr.Myoui, Mrs.Myoui and Miss." I said.

"This is Chaeyoung. My trusted person. I'm sure he will be great husband to you Mina. He handsome like me. Sweet and gentleman. Very independent. Kind to people. A genius. I treat him like my son. And he is my son." Dad wink to me.

I just wants to cover my face right now after what dad said. He really like to embarrassed me. I can see Mina roll her eyes heard what dad said. Who's not? If I can, I also will do it.

"Wow, Chan Wook really like you young man. He rarely praise. So, there must be something about you if he praise you high like this." Mr.Myoui said.

"Haa, no sir. Mr.Son just sweet-mouthed. I'm not that good sir. I'm just a human." I said.

"Oh, don't shy my son. I'm just telling the truth." Dad said.

"Yes young man. Don't be humble. Just take Chan Wook praise. By the way, do I know you? Like, are we already meet before this?" Mr.Myoui asking.

"Yes sir. We already meet before this. Actually, I'm working at your company. That why, we have meet before this." I said.

"Oh yes, you are the one who get the contract with SDS company. I must say, you are truly saviour. If not, my company have to paid compound. You are genius. What a small world isn't?" Mina dad said.

"Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt. Can we continue after dinner? I'm hungry." Mina said.

"Haa yes yes. Sorry about that. We nearly forget about dinner. Let's eat." Dad said.

I look at Mina. She roll her eyes again. I just chuckle. This is interesting. She is interesting. What are you doing to me 'Myoui Mina'.

Mina POV

We arrive at restaurant and meet Son's at entrance. We sit at table which 'he' book and wait for him. Not so good impression because we have to wait him. What a rude. After 2 minute he came. Yes, 2 minute but still waiting and late.

"I'm sorry I'm late. Evening Mr.Myoui, Mrs.Myoui and Miss." He said. I don't even look at him.

"This is Chaeyoung. My trusted person. I'm sure he will be great husband to you Mina. He handsome like me. Sweet and gentleman. Very independent. Kind to people. A genius. I treat him like my son. And he is my son." Mr.Son said.

After hearing Mr.Son I roll my eyes. What is so good about him? Handsome? Maybe. But my boyfriend more handsome. Independent? So, what? My boyfriend also independent. Sweet and gentleman? Don't want to know. Kind to people? Everyone is kind to other people. Its normal. Genius? What a lies.

"Wow, Chan Wook really like you young man. He rarely praise. So, there must be something about you if he praise you high like this." My dad said.

If you meet my boyfriend dad, you also will impressed. I keep remain silent and hear them talk. Dad ask if they ever meet before. And you know what? He's work at our company. He is our employee. I repeat, our employee.
What?? How come dad wants me to marry to our employee. Not my standard dad. Please help me. I don't want to marry with this guy.

"Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt. Can we continue after dinner? I'm hungry."  I said.

Its really waste hearing about him. I really hate he. How dare he dream to marry me. I will make sure if I forced to marry him, i will make his life suffer.

After finish dinner, I excuse myself to restroom. I give Chaeyoung signal to follow me. Lucky me, he understand and walk after me.

"Wow, how dare you use Mr.Son to marry me? Don't you feel you deserve to sit at same table with us? You're just lower class and not same level with us. As you know I'm 'Myoui' one of richer in Korea. I want you to cancel this stupid wedding." I madly said.

"Excuse me miss. I know I don't deserve yo sit at same table with you. Yes, I'm not same as you level. But, I'm not use Mr.Son to marry you. I'm indebted with him and this is my way to reply all his kindness to me. If he wants me to jump over cliff, i will do it. But, if you don't like this idea of marriage. I will cancel. Don't worry miss. I just want the best for you." Chaeyoung calmly said. 

We going back to our sit. Chaeyoung whisper something to Mr.Son and Mr.Son just nodded while eyes on me.

"So Mina, how do you think about Chaeyoung?" Mom whisper to me.

"I'm not interested mom. How many time must I say?" I whisper back.

"Ok. Our motive to having dinner tonight actually to talk about Chaeyoung and Mina marriage. But, sadly I apologise on behalf Chaeyoung. I think he don't deserve Mina as Mina is too good for him. And I'm sure there is someone who make for her. I'm sorry Hayuto."
Mr.Son said.

I smile after hearing what he said. But, my father glare at me as he know something happen. Dad excuse himself and drag me with him.

"What are you doing Mina? Why suddenly Chan Wook said like that? Before this, his the one propose this idea and he also say Chaeyoung will agree. You must say something to Chaeyoung when you guys go to restroom." Dad said.

"Dad, thats not my fault if he wants to cancel it. Beside, what Mr.Son said its truth. I'm too good to him. May I remind you, he just our employee dad. He are not our class dad. He just not worth it." I said.

"No Mina. Whether you like it or not, you are going to marry Chaeyoung. If not, I will cut all your allowance and credit card. Its final." Dad said and walk away.

WTF.. What a great thing Chaeyoung have until her father willing to cut all my money? Shit!! I really hate you Chaeyoung. What I'm supposed to do? What will happen to me and my boyfriend? I walk and sit back to the table.

"No. Mina and Chaeyoung are going to get marry. Mina agree to marry Chaeyoung. So, its okay with you Chaeyoung?" Dad said.

"Hmm. I'm okay with anything. If its good for Miss Mina. I will follow. But, are you sure you agree to marry me miss?" Chaeyoung ask.

I roll my eyes. "My dad said we are going to marry. So, what can I say?" I said to him.

"If you don't want, I'm okay with it. Don't force yourself miss. This is you life." He said.

I glare at my dad. Dad mouth silently to me to said I agree because i want to. I just sigh.

"Look Chaeyoung. I agree. I agree to marry you because I want to. I'm not forced myself to this. But I have 1 condition. Let's have a date 1 time. Just you and me. Its okay with you?" I said.

"If you said so. Yes, I'm okay with your condition. Just let me know when, where." Chaeyoung said.

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