Chapter 20

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Chaeyoung POV

"Its beautiful. You're beautiful." I whisper to her.

Our eyes again met. For somehow, I drowned in her eyes. We lean in and our face are so close. I look deep into her eyes looking for something. It is love? Or lust? My heart racing fast. Like it want to jump out. Our lips are so close. Then I put my lips are on top of her as I softly brushed them onto her lips. Our eyes still attached to each other. We don't kiss at first, but I simply brushes them. I want to se her reaction. I don't want to scared her. Then, she grab my collercoat and kiss. I take bottom of her lips as our lips begin to united. This is officially my first kiss. Yes, it is. Before in ceremony was nothing compare to this want. Its was soft and innocent, yet fiery and passionate. I kiss Myoui Mina.

We savouring the taste each other lips. I brush my tongue at her bottom lips and she granted as she open her mouth slightly. We fought for dominance. I let she win as she explore my mouth. Then, I pull away and put my head on her shoulder. Catching my breath. I can feel my hearts beats still beats rapidly.

"Wow, what.. what.. was that?" I said to Mina looking straight to her eyes.

She looks away. She move back one step. I can see her eyes teary. I slowly move closer to her. I hold her chin softly and make her look at me. Again, I look deep to her eyes and searching for something. This time, her eyes replace by sad, worried, mad. And love? I don't know.

"This is wrong Chaeyoung. I have a boyfriend. I'm sorry. This is mistake." Mina said.

I feel like my heart drop when she said its only a mistake. That's it Chaeyoung. She has a boyfriend. This is wrong even she's my wife. What a world. I only can chuckle and sigh.

"Look Mina. I'm sorry. I shouldn't take advantage on you. I'm really sorry. I didn't expect it would turn it out like this. I just want to enjoy our last night in here. I'm sorry. Don't you blame yourself. Like you said, its just a mistake." I said to her.

Yeah, a sweet mistake for me. I'm sad but I also feel happy. She just nodded. This dinner turn out awkward. This is not what I plan. She now keep silent and don't even look at me. Then, we finish up our dinner and heading back to our suite.

"Hmm. Mina. I really sorry about what happen early. So, I hope this not make us feel awkward. I really like to be friend with you. Remember what I said at the restaurant? I really mean it." I said after I close the door.

"Yeah. I'm also sorry. Maybe its because wine start to kick off. That's why that thing happen. Don't worry. I also still wants to be your friend. So, friends?" She hand in her hand to shake hand with me.

Mina start pack her thing. I was lay on couch waiting for her doing her thing. She finish up and get ready to sleep. Then, after make sure she is sleeping, as usual I doing my thing. I go to her, put a double blanket on her, check if she wearing a sock or not and kiss her forehead whisper something to her like always. Then I lay back on the couch. I tried to sleep but I can. The kiss keep repeating on my head. Her lips was so soft. The kiss was pure and innocent. I wonder if we will share the moment again or not. Then, I remember what she said. My heart was hurt. But what can I do. I just want her to be happy. If being with some else make she happy, I will be happy to. Even thought, I not the one who makes her happy.

Mina POV

While packing, I keep remembering the kiss we shared at the restaurant. The pure and innocent yet fiery and passionate. I touch my lips and smile. Honestly, the kiss was great. The best kiss I have. But, when I remember of Jeongyeon I feel guilty. I said its was a mistake. But after I said it and I saw Chaeyoung reaction I regret it. I just don't know. I sigh.

After I'm done with packing, I get ready to sleep. But the kiss keep haunting me. Arghhh. I hate it but I love it. I keep close my eyes tried to sleep but I can't. Then I hear Chaeyoung walk toward me. I pretend I was deep sleep. He put double blanket on me afraid I will be cold. After I admit to hospital, he always make sure I'm not being cold. Then, he check if I wearing a sock. Last thing he do make me shocked, he kiss my forehead and whisper " keep being my star and shine like always, I will be there for you like always, i love you like always" and walk away. He love me? I don't know how to feel. When he said that, my heart beats heavily. I don't seem to breathing but at same time I feel excited. Do I love him back? I don't know.

No one POV

This is their last day at Switzerland. They start their day with having breakfast at local cafe to enjoy their last day. Then, they back to hotel to get their thing and check out. Both of them have a heavy heart to leave this country.

Chaeyoung feel heavy because he have to accept that he going back to reality. There's no more sweet trip, fun, a lot of work and most important there's no more Chaeyoung and Mina moment. While Mina also feel sad to leave her dream place. She promise to came again. She also feel sad when she remember after back to Korea, there's no more fun and exciting thing she can do. Its time for stress with a lot of work.

Finally, both of them back to their reality. They arrived at Korea. As soon as they touch down, Mina phone rings. Jeongyeon was calling to tell her that, he was waiting her at airport. He coming to pick up Mina.

"Baby, finally you are here. I miss you so much. I already at airport to pick up you. I miss you. I want to have you now." Jeongyeon said.

"Hello baby, you what? But, Chaeyoung's parent its here. What should I tell them? Why don't you told me before?" Mina said.

"If you pick up your phone, you will know I will pick up you today. No. I said I miss you. Just tell them anything. You like it or not you're coming with me." Jeongyeon said firmly.

Mina sigh. She don't know what to do. She looking for Chaeyoung. Without her knowing, Chaeyoung already hearing her conversation. He feel weak. Chaeyoung walk toward worried Mina.

"Hmm Mina. My parents will be late. They still stuck in traffic jam. If you want, I can call a taxi for you first. I know you're tired. So, you don't have to wait." Chaeyoung said.

"Oh really. I'm just about to ask you where are they. If that case, I will be going home first can I? I really tired. Its okay I can manage to get a taxi." Mina said.

Then, she walk away from Chaeyoung. She saw Jeongyeon waiting for her. She runs to him and jump to him. Her legs on his waist, his hand on her thigh to support her weight.

"I. Miss. U. So. Much." She kiss Jeongyeon face while said it.

Then, Jeongyeon drop her down and cups her cheek kiss Mina lips. The kiss was deeper and full of lust. Mina pull away to catch her breath. Both of them laugh and then walk away from the airport. While they were in their world, there was someone watching them with sad and broken heart.

"Maybe he is your happiness. You're not mine even from beginning. Its hurt so much, but its make you happy. I guess I really back to reality." He crying in silent watching them.

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