Chapter 29

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Chaeyoung POV

After sending Nayeon at her place, I go back to office. At office, everyone talking about Mr.John, rumours about me and Nayeon. I know they been talking about me and Nayeon before this. But, I just don't care. I didn't do anything wrong. Mr.Myoui call me to his office.

"Are you stupid? Beat up one of the most important client? Lost the important project?" Mr.Myoui madly said.

"I'm sorry. He being disrespectful toward my pa. That's why I lose my temper." I said.

"So what? She just a pa. Don't think I didn't know about your relation with her. People been talking about it a lot. Doesn't mean you hiding your relation with Mina, you act like you a single man. Remember, you are married to my daughter." Mr.Myoui said.

"I want you go apologise to Mr.John. Bring Mina with you. Make sure he agree to continue our contract. If not, don't you dare to come back here." Mr.Myoui said.

"She maybe just a pa. But she also a human. A woman that should be protect. Doesn't mean she just employee we should let other being disrespectful her like that. Even this is happen to other people I will do the same thing. I won't apologise to him. But I will make sure he will continue the contract. Again, I'm sorry about the trouble." I said to Mr.Myoui and go out.

I really mad and upset hearing Mr.Myoui said like that. I never thought he will be thinking like that. It is money and status more important that humanity. Mina came to my office angry.

"Why do you do that? Can't stand seeing other people looking at your lover?" Mina said sarcastic.

I just don't want to argue with her. So, I just stay silent.

"You don't have to come with me. I can handle it." I said.

"No. I think you the one doesn't have to come. What if you make it worse? I will go with Jeongyeon. He much mature to handle it." Mina replied.

"No. Its my project. I'm the one who cause this. I know my way to handle it." I said.

"I and Jeongyeon will go with you. Fullstop." Mina said and walk away.

We arrive at Mr.John company. His secretary inform him about our attending and we wait almost hour until he call us to in.

"What are you doing here? I don't want to deal with your company again." Mr.John said as soon we enter his office.

"Hello Mr.John. I'm Myoui Mina, this is Jeongyeon and you know that person it is. We came here to apologise to you about his behaviour. Its really unprofessional of him." Mina said.

"Oh, you're the famous Myoui Mina. The beauty and sexy daughter of Myoui Haruto. Can see why people keep talking about you. Nice to meet you." He said and kiss Mina hand.

I was fist my hand hard. How dare he. He look at me with smirk. He signal us to sit at the couch. Mr.John ask Mina to sit beside him and I signal Mina not to, but Mina as always being stubborn.

"So, are you going to apologise to me? If so, can I asked something?" Mr.John said.

"Yes sir. You can ask anything. We will agreed with anything. As long as you agreed to continue your contract with us. We will do anything." Jeongyeon said more to begging.

I stay silent. I really don't like this old pervert man. I won't say my sorry to him. I have my own way to taught him.

"So, you will do anything?" He asked again.

"Yes, we will do anything. Right Mina?" Jeongyeon said.

Mina just slowly nodded. I can see Mina being uncomfortable by that old man keep looking at her with pervert look. That's it, my patience almost gone.

AlwaysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora